Test, Test

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I look at the piece of paper that Lewis had written. This is nothing I've ever seen before. I walk to Mister Bernard with the piece of paper in my hand. I knock on his door and before he said come in I opened the door and walked in. "come in?!" he said confused and suprised. "I'm sorry but I think you might want to see this". I said and stood next to him. I put down the piece of paper that I took from Lewis and laid it down right infront of Mister Bernard. He looked at it and frowned. "what is this and what does this mean?!" he said and asked. "This is a piece of paper that I took from Lewis. He drew and wrote on this piece of paper while I was trying to give him his first lesson on this school. I dismissed him because he is far beyond my limits of teaching". I looked at him and he looked with a bit of a worried and also suprised look. "but you are one of our best teachers we have on this academy". He says. "I know Tom but he is very special". I say back."special or not, he needs to stick to our learning program". He said a bit strict. "that isn't going to work on him. He is showing not much intresest but I can understand why". I say back. "and why is that?!". He asks. "it's like he has seen this all before. It's not new to him and if it was new to him he would master it without any issues". I say. He nods a bit. "I have an idea". He says. "and what's that?!". I ask. "invite the best teachers you can find and we'll see what suits him best". He responds. I was a bit suprised but I didn't knew how to respond. "alright, I'm right on it". I said. "good". He responded. I started to walk away. "oh Anna, don't forget that Lewis his practical lessons are tomorrow". He says. "ofcourse Tom, I won't forget". I say and walk to the door. "see you tomorrow Anna". He said with a smile. I smile back at him. "see you tomorrow Tom". I say back. I continue walking and leave the room with one more smile to Tom and getting a smile back. Tom is quite new here. He came here half a year ago. Since then he has learned everything about this school and so it seems like he has been here for years. He has been very sweet to me since the start. I've heard he has never got married before. No girlfriend either. He is also quite young and so am I. We're close to the same age. He has a very sweet smile and beautiful eyes. No, now I need to focus on my work not on him. I need to get the best teachers for Lewis. I walk to my office and sit down. I start to invite some of my very talented friends in the art of teaching and intelligence. I also invite the teachers I always looked up to. Hopefully some of them will respond and want to cooperate. I hope they do. This child needs any help he can get. We need to help him before it's to late. His powers are getting stronger by the day. I look at the time. It's time to rest and get back to it. I stand up and walk to my bedroom. I lay down and fall asleep immediately.


"Tom?!". I say and wake up with a shock. I look around but don't see anyone. I dreamed about Tom being in my bedroom. He was saying he wanted to see me. Then I woke up. I see it is already the next day. I get up and look out of my window. I get dressed and get ready for the next day of teaching. I put on my shoes and leave my room closing the door. I walk through the hallways. "Lewis?!" I say through the hallway. Lewis turns around and looks at me. I walk towards him."your up early". I say to him. Like normally he doesn't respond. "let's get breakfast shall we?!". I say and take his hand. He looks up to me while we are walking through the hallway. He has a soft face with a kind expression. Even if he doesn't say a word his eyes say a thousand words at a time. Like he is trying to communicate with me through his and my mind the entire time. I wouldn't be suprised if he could. We go into the cafeteria and then quickly behind and into the kitchen. There is where Myriam is. "there is my favourite student!" She exclaims excited like. I look at lewis and he looks with a emotionless look at her. "I have breakfast for you dear". Myriam says and puts down a plate with food on it infront of Lewis. Lewis starts to eat slowly but surely. I sit down across from Lewis and also get a plate with breakfast from Myriam. "thanks". I say. "your welcome". She says back. I get up with my plate and put it down next to Myriam where she is doing the dishes. "isn't he such a sweet kid?!". Myriam says to me. "yeah he is, just a bit shy that's all". I say back. "I would have been the same as him if I were in his position". She says. "maybe". Is what I respond. I walk back to my seat and sit down. I look to lewis. "today are your practical lessons Lewis". I say. He looks up and doesn't say a word. "no need to worry". I continue. "if you do a good job then you'll get icecream". I say with a smile to maybe motivate him more a little bit. "you like icecream?!" I ask. He nods a little. "great". I respond. I see that Lewis has finished eating. "let's get right to it then shall we?!". I say and take Lewis his hand to escort him to the room he needs to be. "thanks for the breakfast Myriam". I say. "always a pleasure". She responds. With Lewis by my hand I walk to the room and open the door. I walk inside with Lewis. "Tom?!". I say confused. "hello Anna". He says with a smile. "I didn't know you would be here today". I say. "suprise". He responds. "ofcourse I am going to be here, I don't want to miss out on this little guy his skills". He says and smiles at Lewis. Lewis backs away a little and hides behind me. I turn my head to lewis and look at him being a bit scared. "let's get to the testing sweetie". I say and escort Lewis away from Mister Bernard. "sit down sweetie". I say to Lewis and he sits down. A small kind off bracelet gets picked up and leaded to Lewis his wrists. Lewis shocks and clings onto me. "it doesn't hurt". I say. "it's just for testing and seeing how strong you are at the moment". I continue. He looks up at me and tries to believe me. I take the bracelet from the teacher who had it in their hands and try to do it again. He lets me do it and the bracelet is in place. We look at the monitor at what the bracelet gives trough. This is the first time I have ever seen this before. The diagrams and the numbers go up like crazy. They keep rising and after a few seconds it starts to glitch and bug and eventually the monitor blows up. Everyone shocks and back away from the monitor. I look at the bracelet and notice the bracelet also has broken down completely. I look up at Lewis and see a bit of tears forming. "oh no, no, hush". I say and hug him close. "is it hurting you?!" I ask and he shakes no. "did it scare you?!". I ask. He nods yes. I get the bracelet off and give it to the other teacher who tried to get the bracelet on the first time. I look at Tom and see he is also suprised and more fascinated about this kid. "maybe it was just a flaw in the system". He says while looking at me. "this can't be some sort of flaw in a code, his powers are what has caused this". I say back. "you saw what happened". I continue. Tom stays quiet. "let's just continue with the program". I say and look at the other teacher. "have you done your job yet?! What I asked you yesterday?!". Tom says. "yes I already have". I respond. I take Lewis his hand again and escort him to a different room. I tell him to sit down and I explain what is going to happen. "okay, so you stay here and we will behind that mirror. It sounds strange I know but we can look inside the room and you don't but we are there, the entire time for you sweetie". He looks at me with a understanding yet still confused look. "you can do whatever you want. Whatever spell you want to do go ahead and we will observe". He nods a bit and so I get up and go through a door and stand behind the glass. I sigh a bit. I keep staring at Lewis and keep an close eye on him. I go up and meet his eyes. He stares right into mine. He knows where I'm standing. He probably can see through the glass. He looks sad and doesn't want to move or do anything at all. He is looking at me with a face like don't leave me. What if I never get out of here kinda look. "did he understand what he has to do?!". Tom asks. "yes he does but he doesn't want to". I respond. "can you please make him do something?!". Tom asks. "he feels alone". I respond. "That wasn't what I was asking for". He says. "yes I know but it is the truth. He feels like he has been abandoned, been left alone". I respond. "I'm sorry but I can't watch this anymore". I continue and open the door. I walk straight to Lewis and Lewis jumps off his chair and sprints to me. I go down and hug him. Now Tom opens the door and stands behind me. "we still need to do the practical tests". He says. I stop hugging Lewis for a moment and turn to Tom. "that can wait". I say. I take Lewis his hand and leave the room. "let's get that icecream I promised you". I say to Lewis and he gives me a little smile.

Living In The Shadows ; A Dawko Fantasy Fanfiction Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora