Sarina Black

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Sarina Raine Black (the e is silent)

AKA:Beauty, Night.

Marauder Code Name: Beauty (prefers Night).

Status: Pure blood (doesn't care about blood status)

Age: 15 (5th year)

House: Gryffindor

Apperance: Like her twin, Sirius Black. Long hair down to waist. Slim with curves considered very attractive.

Wand: 12 inch cherry tree with Phoenix feather core. Diamond on the top of the hilt (The part where you grip the wand). Good at fighting and defending

Abilities: Potions master. Good at controlling elements.

Animagus: Black dog (it can resemble a wolf if you want. Your choice)

Patronus: Wolf

Crush: Remus Lupin (since 3rd year)

Family: Father- Orion Black, mother- Walburga Black, twin brother- Sirius Black (older by an hour), younger brother- Regulus Black.

Personality: Nice, queen of pranking, sympathetic, makes friends easily, stubborn, peace keeper.

Likes: Rain, dogs, wolves, autumn, winter, Marauders, Sirius, Regulus.

Dislikes: Parents, hot days, cats, Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix Black.

Friends: Marauders, Regulus Black, Lily Evans, Severus Snape, Professor Dumbledore, Mr and Ms. Potter, Hagrid.

Enemies: Slytherin (except for Severus and Regulus)

Bio: I am Sarina Black twin sister of Sirius Black. Despite how much I hate my parents Orion and Walburga, I still care a lot for my younger brother Regulus. Sometimes I can get Sirius to be nice to Regulus but I'm still trying to make it permanent. My parents have this odd theory that because I'm in Gryffindor and acting the way I do is because of Sirius. They think he's the ring leader for my stubborn and rebellious behavior. I hate them for it so much, but there are thousands of reasons I hate them. Me and Sirius are inseparable, attached at the hip. For the longest time we would sleep in the same bed because we didn't like being apart. I'm glad I have Sirius as my twin. We are so close that we have that twin telepathy. That's right, we can talk to each other with our minds. Even though my friends are the Marauders I'm really good friends with Severus. We became friends in our potions class during our first year. Ever since my second year the marauders have been helping with Remus' 'furry little problem'. The others were told in there second year except for me because I found out close to the end of my first year due to my awesome observation skills. I am currently working on a potion that will help Remus on full moons with Severus. No one else knows, besides Professor Sluhgorn and Professor Dumbledore, because I want it to be a secret until I'm done trying to make it. Severus has asked some questions but I always tell him the same thing "I just think it would be nice to help people with lycanthropy". I really like Remus, ever since my second year at Hogwarts, but I'm afraid to tell him because of how he will react and because he'll probably think that I'll be in danger if I get too close. I honestly don't care about his 'furry little problem' I still care so much about him that it hurts. Hopefully I will have the nerve to tell him my feelings this year.

A/N: This story isn't really like the Beauty and the Beast tale. I just chose it as a title and something to use in my fanfic.

Oh and Peter Pettigrew will not be a main character in my story. He might pop up a few times but not a whole lot, I'm still unsure about him.

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