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Instead of like last time they had perfectly landed on their feet, Rick looking at how dusty their grounds were. The truth had to wait, for now that is. Rick was not only starving but dying for some liquor on his tongue, also knowing Jerry as soon as he wakes up he's hungry. Rick rolled his eyes, throwing Jerry towards the dusty ground. "D-Dude, don't do that, R-Rick." Morty gasped, watching his father fall. "It's the only way to wake him up, I can't c-carry him the whole way." Rick glared, watching Morty's lips purse, as the boy responded with a firm nod.

Rick raised brow at Jerry, watching him roll back and forth until there was a gentle lip smack. "Huh-" Jerry had opened his eyes, rubbing them lightly. He finally saught clearly and then started to be in shock. "Agh- where am I?" He asked himself not knowing the two were there beside him. Jerry started to do a whimpy cry. "Am I d-dead? I must be dead- this must be hell!-" Jerry winced once he realized the shadow. He looked behind his shoulder and his facial expression changed quickly to an irritably tired one. "Oh it's you." Jerry scoffed.

"Thh, what a loser. You could've just looked behind you the whole time." Rick snorted grabbing at Jerry's lengthy arm. "Let's go, Morty." Rick looked at Morty and then back towards the 5 minute walk bar. The bar had neon lights with a sign saying 'Bloo's Bar.' the surroundings were just dust. It looked like the only building in this abandoned dimension, but that wasn't the case. It's only illusions. Morty and Jerry are so lame to notice that but Rick can see right through it. There's a town or city behind the bar, where they are headed.
"R-Rick does this bar even allo-" before Morty could finish his sentence, Rick already mouthed "Yes, of course they allow underaged kids, Morty. It's an alien bar, quit being so stupid eugh- Morty." Rick then let out a gentle cough. The bar was getting closer as each of them stepped, well not all of them were walking since Jerry was being dragged. "Rick, I can walk for myself." Jerry looked up at the scientist, having regrets about even speaking. "Okay, just don't fuck anything up." Rick grumbled, letting go of the whimp's wrist quickly. Jerry smiled, "Thanks dude." Trying to be cool Jerry got up and started to talk some more "I knew you would trust me, thanks brutha." Jerry smirked.


"O-Oh geez, dad--shh-shut up." Morty angrily told his dad.
"Yeah, Jerry s-shut up. You can't just- you can't just do that." Rick began to join in, shaking his head in disagreement.
"Geez, dad y-you seem racist, ahhdhd." Morty started to grit his teeth.
Jerry's mouth wide open, he quickly shuts his mouth and looks down sadly.

When they finally got to the bar, Rick had quickly bursted through the blue painted corridors. He wanted to have some fun before they went on this adventure, besides what is an adventure if there was no drinking involved. Jerry still kind of disturbed, he came to the conclusion that he was cringy.

To be continued......

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