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I went to the door and opened it and saw xing
"What are you doing here"
"I heard that Yibo has left you home alone"
"And What does that have to do with you"
"Now that he is not here I could kill you"
She got out a little knife and cane closer to me I back up as she was coming closer
"Why are you going to kill me"
"If it wasn't for you Yibo wouldn't be this cold to me and he wouldn't leave me for you"
"He never wanted to be with you in the first place "
"GO DIE!!!!!!"
She came running towards me with her knife and stabbed me in my right chest I held the knife and fell to the floor I thought to myself am I going to die just like this I really wanted to see Yibo one last time before I die but it's all too late now I started to close to my eyes but before my eyes was completely shut I heard Yibo calling my name I was so happy and shut my eyes closed.
Third POV
Xiaozhan was on the bed while Yibo was right besides him looking after him. Xiaozhan started to open his eyes he sat up and Yibo helped him sit up
"Yibo what's wrong you don't look so good and what happened I thought I died"
Yibo looked tired he had strong eye bags. Yibo then pulled Xiaozhan in for a hug but Xiaozhan hissed from the pain
"Are you ok did I hurt you"
"It's fine, but you look so tired what happened"
"I'm sorry zhan Zhan it's all my fault I shouldn't have left you by yourself it's all my fault"
"It's fine look I'm still alive right here in front of you"
"It's not your fault. What happened"
"I got news saying that xing went to find you I was worried something might happen so I took the quickest plane to come here, but I was still too late, luckily you haven't been hurt that badly you only fainted for a couple if days I was so worried that you might never wake up again"
"Couple of days??"
"How long have I been sleeping?"
"For four days"
"And you stayed up all these four days right here"
"Yea I was afraid that something might happen again so I want to be right next you"
"You idiot, look at you, you look more in pain than I do"
"I am. here hurts a lot" Yibo pointed to his heart
"Seeing you getting hurt,hurts me more"
I lifted the blanket a little and told Yibo to come next to me in bed he came into the blanket with me I lifted my self up to sit in his lap
"We both should get some rest, I don't want to see you so gloomy and tired"
I placed my head on his chest and snuggled him and fell asleep with him.

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