Stalking him

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In yibo's mansion
"Guard go figure who was that boy yesterday at the streets and give me all his information I want it as soon as possible"
"Yes sir"
Thirty minutes later
"Sir I got all the information right here"
"You could leave now"
Yibo opened the information and looked through all the files
"Interesting, Xiaozhan I will see you soon"
"Boss we saw these two drunk outside of our gates"
Yibo looked up to see Xiaozhan and his friend Ning
"Send the other one out but keep this one here" (pointed at Xiaozhan )
"Yes sir"
As the guards walk out with Ning Yibo got up from the couch and picked up Xiaozhan and went up stairs to the bedroom Yibo laid Xiaozhan softly on the bed and sat right next to him studying his face.
"Why don't you like me "Xiaozhan was crying in his sleep while he is drunk, Xiaozhan has just recently broke up with his boyfriend and is very emotional
"Why would someone give you up you are the cutest thing in the world" Yibo was petting Xiaozhan's head trying to calm him down. Deep inside yibo's thoughts there was this scary thought of his he wanted to lock this little bunny up and will not allow him to get hurt or let anyone touch him even if this means killing people.

These are short chapters but I will be updating more often. Thank you for the support and happy reading😊😊

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