Ahead of the bridge, I could see where the path changed from dirt to stone. Individual large rocks had been placed in a pattern, giving an even plane to walk upon. And ahead of the stone path, there came the source of the smoke. In the distance I could see a small cottage, like that on a farm, with a high chimney that gave off the sweet smelling smoke. A smile slip across my face, causing my lips to crack.

           With new strength and the pain forgotten, I found my pace quickening to a slight run. I had found Namaria... and I had found food.

           My breath caught in my throat as I came close to the door of the cottage. In the field to the side, I could see two young, working in the field, cutting and placing vegetables into the baskets woven on their backs. Smiling I waved as their attention turned towards me.

           Opening my mouth to speak a greeting, I was stopped as one of the young called for their Pa Pa. Quickly, a man moved across the field with an ax in his hand, seeming to just have been chopping firewood. I stopped moving forward and dropped the smile and my hand. I suddenly did not feel welcome.

           He halted at the edge of the field, holding the ax in both hands, a stern look on his face. That all changed in a moment. Pa Pa moved forward, placing the ax down on the ground.

           "Are you alright?" He asked, moving forward. I took a step back, the hunger and pain forgotten, only to be replaced by fear. "I will not hurt you. Forgive me, I thought my flames were going to be harmed. I had no idea, truly, that you were injured." I am injured? Perhaps that would explain the pain.

            Clearing my throat I replied, trying to find courage seeing that the potential danger was done.

          "I am in need of help." The voice that flowed from my lips was proper, light as air, and foreign. 

            "My name is Jaril, and my family and I can help you." The man stepped forward, keeping his hands where I could see them. A sudden commotion caused us both to turn our heads towards the cottage.

           The door to the cottage opened, and a woman stepped forward, looking around to see what was wrong. Her eyes landed on me and I held my breath. Please, be kind. Please, please.

           The woman stepped forward, coming close to me to where I could see the details of the slight wrinkles in her cheeks. She did not smile at me however, only looked with furrowed brows, deep in her thoughts. I stood there, unsure of what to do, and feeling quite awkward.

         Jaril opened his mouth to speak, but the woman raised her hand quickly to hush him. He closed his mouth, and I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat. I can see who truly was in charge here. For some reason, I quite liked this woman. She took another step towards me, and tilted her head towards the side slightly.

            The air became still as she looked at me, and as if a fire had been placed on my head, her eyes became wide and with concern. With a deep breath, she nodded and turned towards her husband.

           "Go to the castle, and tell them that she has returned." Jaril rose his brows as his young ran forward, coming to stand before me and their mother. "Tell the guards at the gate that the Queen is alive."

            With large eyes, I watched as the young gasped, and they all went to bow. My heart jumped into my chest as I looked before me. 



            With a full belly and eyes constantly watching me, I found myself looking around the cottage. Warmth and love filled the walls of this place, and I found a sense of home simply from sitting at the table.

One Night with the King -- Book One: FireWhere stories live. Discover now