fackin ell XD

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If it makes ya feel better I've been busy as well

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If it makes ya feel better I've been busy as well.....

Everyone: yeah we know Beetlejuice.

Heard of it. Never seen it.

Devil: your a dead man.

No I'm a tiger. *Messing with him*

Devil: oh go suck a dick.

Isn't that your job?

Cagney: oooooh~!

Devil: stay outta this flower boy!

Hilda: hey don't talk to Cagney like that!!!!

Devil: says the flying blimp.

Guys guys guys! Calm down! This is meant for jokes. But in all seriousness I'm gonna kick someone's ass one day.

KD: fuck you.

Shouldn't you be doing that to Dev?

Devil: I'm gonna fucking murder some cat....

Everyone: before this gets outta hand, Ask Dare Bye!!!

Ask Or Dare: Me And The Cuphead Crew 2 (SLOW UPDATES!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora