favorite thing about em?

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How sweet he is

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How sweet he is

Devil: how smexy he is.

Dice: how nice he truly is when you get to know him.

Wheezy: how f*cking cute he is.

Chips: how layed back he is.

Phear: amusing.

Chimps: how creative he can be.

One of the Tipsy Troop: how *hic* beautiful she *hic* is...

Pirouletta: how funny he is.

Everyone else: *says why*

*Half asleep and jerks awake before hitting the keyboard* yea I hate waking up at midnight.

Devil: I hate waking up anytime....

Everyone: ASK DARE BYE!!!!

Ask Or Dare: Me And The Cuphead Crew 2 (SLOW UPDATES!)Where stories live. Discover now