eaten alive?

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I have a friend that enjoys uniforms for that specific reason

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

I have a friend that enjoys uniforms for that specific reason. Also it's all good. We all have our moments.

Cuphead: uh...

BABQFTIM Cup: erm.....

Mugs: huh?

BABQFTIM: hm......

Wally: I was never eaten alive but my son saved me and I used to be a coo-coo clock so thanks to my deal I got to be alive and I got to have a son!!!

Oh! Guys! This is VERY IMPORTANT PLEASE READ!!!! So next week I have band camp 16-19 from 8:00am-12:00am and on the last day 8:00am-4:00pm. And I also have band camp from the 30th-3rd from 8:00am-3:00pm. And also on the 30th I have to get my wisdom teeth removed bc thanks to genetics my wisdom teeth will cause me issues later in life so we're just gonna get it done now and that's at 10:00am and on the 15th I have eye doctors appointment and the 14th is one of my friend's birthday and the 25th is enrollment and drug testing so that's gonna be a little bit. And I believe that's everything.

Devil: damnit you have a lot of stuff.

Shush! I'm a busy person and tomorrow i have to build a corral!!!!

Devil: damn. Good luck.

It's gonna be square! That way everything can line up just fine!

Everyone: wow......why so much stuff this month?

Hey! I don't make the rules. Thankfully my Band Director knows about my mouth surgery and that I won't be able to play for a week. But maybe March? Idk. I don't mind marching but I won't be able to play and that makes me sad.

Mugs: it'll be fine we're here for you!

Thanks Mugs. *Smiles as ears perk*

Everyone: Ask Dare Bye!

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