"No you are my equal and have the same rights as me on somethings."

"Okay, other than the heat thing I don't see any issues why we shouldn't do this."

"Great," he nearly jumped off the bed in excitement. "I will be a wonderful mate" I was grinning at him but something was in the back of my mind. Mate not husband I would never marry. I would be his mate not wife. I wanted to have a happy life like my parents had when they told us their stories of how they met and how he asked her to marry him. I always dreamt of having something like that, but knew that it wouldn't happen.

"Are you okay Claire" worried.

"Yes" grabbing his hand "So when do we do this."

Before he could answer there was a knock on the door, Kyle growled "What"

"Sorry Alpha but your presence is needed in your office"

"Can't it wait a moment"

"No sir" Kyle glanced at me and smiled. "We will have to wait a little bit but it will happen" kissing my cheek and headed to the door. Opening up the door there stood a man I have seen him somewhere but where. He looked at me and smiled. "Hello Luna, I will have to kidnap him for a moment"

"That's fine" not remembering a name.

"It's Troy I'm the Beta I'm Lily's mate" remembering her from at the picnic.

"Nice to meet you" with that we said our goodbyes and I was left sitting in my room ponding on my thoughts. As I was thinking I decided that I would take a small nap I mean they got me out of the room for a few hours kicking off my shoes and slid up the bed and took a nap. Something wet was hitting my face a couple of time before I opened my eyes. Kyle was sitting over me with a bottle of water that he was drinking over my head.

"Hey you could at least do that somewhere else" wiping the water off my face.

"Sorry." putting down the bottle. "It took me a little while to get back to you"

"Its alright, I just went to sleep after you left." sitting up on the wall so that we were sitting close. "You found out what was going on."

"Yeah we had a few rogues come onto our land"

"What did you do with them"

"I put them in the basement for further investigations."

"You don't kill them."

"It depend on the case, If they are wolves that are just trying to start over we tend to allow them the chance to become a member here where they can find a job and live in peace."

"What happens if they are not wanting to start over"

Kyle looked down at me with an expression that I knew clearly what happens. "You kill them"

"I'm sorry Claire but once you become Luna you will understand my roll here." He grabbed my hand, the sparks always happened when he touched me but someway every time he does touch me I fell relaxed and calm.

"It's okay Kyle" turning my attention to the wall in front of the bed. My thoughts kept coming back to my family and if they were okay. I know Kyle said that he would try to find them but what if it is too late and they are captured and killed. What would happen to Lori would she find them or is she dead. "Kyle any news about my family"

"We have invited a witch here to help with a direction she will be here in a couple of days."

"A witch"

"Yeah Celeste is a old friend from school and she said that she would like to help"

"That is nice of her," smiling up at him "How would she find them?"

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