"What's the matter" looking at me. I could still see his teeth they were extended and long. I didn't know what to do I was just shocked about what they looked like. He noticed that I was just staring at them so he pulled them back in. "I'm sorry I got carried away"

"Dont worry about it, I think it was mutial" smiling turning around to stare at the lake. "I wasn't expecting to see your teeth like that."

"Yeah my wolf wanted to mark you but I was holding him back"

"You sound like there are two of you"

"In a sense there is" he continued "We are wolves and humans at the same time. Each one of us has a wolf spirit that lives in us we are born from the moon goddess she is our creator."

There is such a thing as a moon goddess. Well there is a God and we believe that he is our creator so why can't they be made from her. "So if there are two of you does it have a name"

"His name is Malick"

"Could I talk to him or do I have to wait to be marked" I don't know what I said but he was grinning like a kid that just won a toy at the carnival. "What?"

"I"m just happy that you are thinking about allowing me to mark you."

"Oh well I mean I'm still freaked out about it, but I mean what has happened I cannot change it so I might as well just go with the flow and see where it leads me."

"That is a great way to see it." he grabbed my hand "I don't have to mark you for you to speak to Malick if you want you can talk to him now"

"Really" I don't know why but I was very excited. "Please."

"Alright," with that he closed his eyes and I just sat there waiting on the chance to speak to his spirit. When he opened his eyes they were no longer silver but yellow I knew that his wolf was in control.

"Hello Malick," I had no clue what to say to him so I just stuck to the basic greeting.

"Hello my love,"

"So um" I was completly drawing a blank 'What the hell Claire say something.. anything' "So i'm your mate I hear"

"Yes you are mine and only mine so if you have laid with anyone get them out of your head."

"Laid?" confused

"Mated with" he growled, I shreeked away taking my hand from him. When he noticed that I was scared he slid away to give me space. "I"m sorry about that love I didn't mean to scare you. My human is yelling at me about it."

"It's okay I just like the way you acted."

"I promise I wont ever do that again. Unless your in danger so I will have to react this way to protect you"

"Okay" smiling "To answer your I have never laid with anyone but my sister that was when we went camping"

There were no words to how the way he was looking at me. "Oh little on I'm so happy to hear this" with that he came forward and kissed me. He was a little more aggressive than Kyle was and I was not pushing him away either. I don't know why but I felt like I was cheating on Kyle. Pushing at his chest to inform him that I wanted to stop he released me "Claire I want you to know that I'm so happy that you are my mate"

"Mmmm" I dind't know what he wanted me to say to that "Can I have Kyle back"

"Yes little one" with that Kyles silves came back and I was relieved. "Sorry about Malick"

"It's fine" glancing around "I think we should head back it's getting late"

"Sure" with that we headed back, I was back on his back and Kyle was headed back to the pack house. "Kyle"


"I will let you know that I will give this a chance" taking a deep breath " I just don't know what you want from me in this relationship but I will try"

"That's all I ask of you Claire." with that we just walked in silence until I saw the pack house. He walked me all the way to the porch and let me down. "Thanks" with that we stood there looking at one another.

"Claire I wanted to know would you like to be my plus one to the picnic" I smiled "yeah sure" with that we headed into the house where eveyone was watching a movie and talking. Some of them females sitting next to them when they looked back they smiled. "Hello Alpha and Luna" one of them stated. "Don't stay up to late we have a busy day tomorrow. with that he led me upstaires. Once we reached my door. "I had a wonderful dinner thank you"

"No problem" with that I walked into my room and closed the door behind me and waited until I heard him walk away before I jumped onto the bed and screamed into my pillow. I couldn't wait until tomorrow with that I just ended up falling asleep dreaming the night I had. Not prepared for what to expect tomorrow.

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