"Its only a cut. C'mon you gotta be more careful...idiot."

He mumbled that last part, loud enough for me to hear. I rolled my eyes pushing his hand away getting up by myself. Once I was up I noticed something green glowing against the hand that I had used to get up with. It looked like it was glowing and had a thick slimy texture to it. I grimaced at its smell. Something like burnt rubber and ladybugs.

"What is that?"

I looked up to see Keith glaring at the slime on my hand.

"I don't know?! Let me whipe it off on your jacket its starting to run over my wrist."

I grimaced again holding my hand out towards his red cropped jacket. He immediately backed away.

"What no way its probably poisonious you dummy!"

I rolled my eyes shaking my hand trying to get it off somehow. 'Unfortunately' some accidentally flung onto Keith's lower lip making him freeze in place.


I laughed nervously trying to wipe it off with my finger only causing it to smear making some go into his mouth hitting his tongue. Oh god what if it is poison?! Not that I like Keith or anything but we do kinda need him...to y'know...not die and all. He was spitting and whipping at his mouth with his sleeve trying to get it off his tongue. I got a little worried when I noticed a bright green, somewhat like the color of the slime, overtake the purple color of his eyes. He looked up at me in a bit of haze.


I didn't respond still confused by how red his cheeks were getting and how he was stumbling closer to me. What in the quiznak is going on? I should call pidge. She'll definitely know considering her being the brains of the team.

"Hold on Keith I'll call Pidge for help"

I said frantically holding onto his shoulder with one hand trying to keep him from falling. By how wobbly his knees were getting I could tell he was getting lightheaded.

"Lance please..."

I tilted my head looking down at him confusion laced in my voice as I questioned him but he only groaned loudly gripping onto my damp white shirt pulling me closer to him. Our chests were touching and his face was nuzzling into my neck. I reach down cleaning the slimey green stuff off in a puddle of water. Should have done that in the first place. Pressing a button on the side of my helmet I called in Pidge.

I gulped waiting for my receiver to reach pidge. When static took over the audio I cursed under my breathe. The cave must have cut off our signal. We'll have to abort mission. Grabbing one of Keith's arms I slung it around my shoulder holding him up. His face was still snug in the dip of my neck. I could feel his heartbeat going nuts and his quickened breathes against my skin. Here I go, pulling another 'Lance' as Hunk called it.

"How you feelin' bud?"

I genuinely sounded worried but I had a reason to be by the way he dragging his feet and gripping my shirt so tight I thought it would be ripped by now.

"MmmMm...the storm...we ca-"

He voice broke off into lazy slurrs but I understood. The storm was getting bad and I was not about to find out what an alien lightning bolt felt like. I nibbled on my lower lip trying to think of something. My thoughts were interrupted when Keith began rutting against my thigh. Oh my god. Is he hard?! What kind of goop could giver him that bad of a boner in like 0-60. Calm down Lance, its just the guy of your dreams grinding against your leg! Oh boy.

"Keith, you can't...just um, here"

I grabbed his waist and forcefully pushed him down against the cave floor, causing some water to splash around us, holding him there. He continued to push his hips up but it was more secrete due to my hold on him. What do I do, what do I do, what do I do.

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