Chapter ten

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Owens point of view
Trigger warning this chapter has suicide in it if this triggers you don't read
I feel like a jackass for getting that sweater for ken he he is already 23 how could he think that dad actually got him that like no one in their right minds will think that man would get him that sweater besides I just stuck it in a random box and drove to his house and put it there I never felt like the older brother I should've been I'm a jack ass for doing that I bet he's already driving to my house with a gun going to shoot me in the leg...he always said if I did something stupid I would get shot in the leg.he never did it when he was younger but still i...I can't stand this I should've been a good brother to him when he was younger now he's a messed up thing of hate that no one can stand I deserve to die I really do if I was a good brother he would've been a happy and better person now he's living in a tiny apartment with a old as hell dog that's probably 99 years old at this point he's been doing work for a long time getting no work done it's I just can't stand it ..this is all my fault it's all my Fault I can take any of this I'm gonna die with all the guilt why the hell am I crying is this normal no it shouldn't damnit Owen you are 30 years old get it together..I can't stand any of this everything is my fault I should've just been a better person......yes this should work...
I pull out a kitchen knife and look at my hand "this is the only way"I think to myself and then........
Milos point of view
I get out my car to go visit Owen I mean we work together I mean we get along he sent a email saying he can come to work anymore so I went to see what's up so I go to his house and knock on this door"Owen it's me milo your work buddie"I knock on the door again no answer "Owen?"I got kind of confused "he probably doing something I'll leave him alone....."I left to my car to drive back home"that was odd his car was there in his garage I'll go see him tomorrow "

The next day

I go back to visit Owen this time I just open the door and look around "Owen ! It's milo"I couldn't find him ....then I look in the kitchen "o-oh my god OWEN"he was dead on the ground he had a big cut on his wrist and hand I was suprised owen would never do anything like this what happened just a couple weeks ago we were having a good time having a work party
I start to puke from the sight of his dead body.

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