Chapter two

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Ken walked up to me "hay Sam you're annoying you and your cool blue hair ...GO GET ME A VODKA ".for once I have never hear a 11 year old say "go get me vodka like what the hell "YOU'RE ONLY 11"I said in shock. Ken glares"well denis and jent won't give me any they say it s for adults but idc"Kenny says in some tough boy voice.i Sigh and just ignore him he can be so annoying I sware he needs to sit down and watch tv like he's always asking for some adult stuff .his brother comes to pick him up though Ken started to throw a fit but Owen was very very used to it like it's Owen Kens oldest brother and quite tall surprised he's related to ken cause ken is 11 and only 3,9 Owen is already 5,11 it's crazy .but Owen is very different we are the same age after his dad left he acted more mature like he had to run the household cause his mom was always passed out drunk poor ken still wanting that sweater but sad backstory or not he's still a price of shit .yeah it took a long time painful time for his mom to birth his IN A PLANE FLYING TO NEW YORK FROM JAPAN YEAH HE WAS BORN IN A PLANE that's why he always talked about planes when he was 9.yeah he's just a funny lil guy and a really insane one I wonder if he will ever grow out of the sweater and rule the world with his dad thing.

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