"I was here to do a certain thing. When I saw you and Danzo fighting", he said as he walked closer to Danzo telling (y/n) to release her genjustu. Which she did. Itachi held a kunai to Danzo's neck. "Last I checked I told you if you touched a hair on either (y/n) or Sasuke. I would pass classified village intel to every enemy nation. Instead of doing that, I will be passing on the activity of your organization to every enemy nation. Not only that a clone of mine has already informed Lord Third of you. Be lucky that I am merciful"

"It's over Danzo give up", (y/n) said. Danzo smiled a cruel smile.

"I am afraid what's over is you Itachi and (y/n). Prepare to come to the afterlife alongside me", Danzo said before doing the signs for his reverse tragram justu.

"Everyone hide ", (y/n) yelled as Danzo was finishing his last signs. All of them separated from him as he spilled blackness everyone in the end killing himself. They  managed to reach his body as he was dying. By that time Lord Third had arrived at the scene. "It seems you were wrong Danzo. You didn't get what you wanted in the end", (y/n) said with a smug smile.

"Oh but I did", he said before (y/n) could ask his eyes closed. Neji was confused.

"Okay can someone tell me what the heck is going on", Neji asked.

"Lord Third I am sorry for what happened", (y/n) apologized bowing to Lord third. "But would you mind if I fill in Neji on everything considering everything is about to be revealed soon enough"

The third Hokage nodded. As (y/n) told Neji everything leaving him in shock and disbelief of what he heard. As he tried to wrap his head around it. (y/n) had an idea.

"Itachi have you released the files about Danzo yet?"

"No why?"

"Good we can use that to our advantage especially with the group you are undercover with"

"What are you talking about", Itachi asked confused.

"What if we were to send Sasuke undercover as well", she suggested.

"How would that work without people suspecting?"

"Simple he already saw the cloaks of it before since he knows you are apart of it why not have him join? Not only that but having two moles is better than one. Plus we could take it down from the inside"

"I will talk to the others about it but you may have something kiddo", Lord Third said.

"Lord third am I allowed to tell anyone besides the people who just heard", (y/n) asked?

"As long as it stays within certain people"

"Then I know whom to tell because I know how Sasuke can relay information back to us"

"You have an idea?'

"Yes Lord Third if you permit me to say it"

"You already thought of another mole let's hear it"

"We are going to say that Naruto is going to get Sasuke back. We will even stage some fake missions with allies and use Naruto to get them there. Make sure Sasuke is there and we figure out a way for them to relay information. I was thinking of using one of the Yamanaka Ino would work best. I think there is a justu that allows people to commute through the mind. I think I read about it in a file somewhere"

"Interesting and when did you start thinking of this idea?"

"Just now why?"

"Well you do take after Kakashi and your father in certain ways strategizing"

"So can I relay this info to the people I need to?"

"Please do but make sure nobody but those people find and say nothing. Same for you Neji"

"Yes sir," they both said and bowed as Itachi vanished his business, for now, was finished.

Months Later

(y/n) idea/plan had worked out in the end the Akakashi was brought down to its knees. But not without things being found out like Obito was still alive and had been the leader. But that had been chalked up to Madara's control and in the end, Kakashi and Obito made up. Kakashi still kept his Sharingan eye. Itachi meanwhile wasn't blamed for his crimes due to the truth of the Uchiha massacre somehow being leaked. Sasuke no longer wanted revenge against his brother. And after much research by Lady Tsunade, a cure was found for Itachi. Lord Third stepped down Kakashi became Hokage. Due to being the most beloved and Obito not having the credit he once had. But Obito became Kakashi's, right-hand man. Along with Shikamaru and (y/n) as part of the council. Which they overthrew after the Akakashi was brought down.

A/N: That ends the story including the rewrite man that was a beast to write. I have two more filler that really doesn't help the plot. But this is the ending of the real story. I have enjoyed this journey. 

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