I want out

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Everyone was in bed when one lonely scream erupted. I felt bad for anyone who knew the poor dude who died today, I think it was mainly my fault. When quiet flooded the room again I couldn't stand it. Sleep was not going to come to me tonight. With a visual of Nala in mind, I transported to her room. "Nala" I whispered, I know I sound extremely creepy but Werewolves were awesome fighters and that is what I wanted right now. "Nala!" I growled even louder. Still she didn't wake up. This werewolf was a deep sleeper really this is what I get on my team. Tapping my foot with impatience I walked over to her and pushed her out of her bed. "Errr" She slightly growled and when I went to check on her, she was still asleep. "What the hell is your problem?" I asked her even though I knew she wouldn't answer. I thought I had someone useful on my team. Finally I lightly slapped her and she woke up with all fury. She grabbed my arm the instant I touched her and she threw me to the ground getting on top of me before I even knew what the hell was happening. "Way to wake up after someone could have killed you" I mumbled but her keen sense of hearing heard me and she slapped me. "How you like that?" She asked laughing as she saw my pissed off face. "You are so dead to me" I joked. She snapped her fingers mocking me. "Oh no, my powers must of drained because your not knocked out" I shook my head. "You didn't snap your fingers the right way my dear" I said while I pushed her off me. Don't worry it was a gentle push I didn't slam her to the floor. "So Ryder why are you here, trying to rape me?" I rolled my eyes at her. "How childish" I said trying to sound superior just to piss her off. "Now Nala I have more important things to talk about and if your to childish to hear them I'll be on my way" My tone was jokingly but the topic I needed to talk to her about was serious, I shouldn't be taking it so lightly, already three people died. There was an awkward silence between us as Nala didn't know what to say she then whispered something I didn't want to be reminded about. "Did you hear the screams?" My eyes opened wide in shock and I looked away, guilt washed over me. "That's why I'm here" I said it even quieter than her but she still managed to hear me. She cocked her head towards me. "Your crazy" she then paused. "I like that" I smiled at her and she smirked back up to me. "We need to take down the Queen, we can gather people to join us can't we? It'll be the biggest rebellion ever" She frowned thinking just as I was probably. "Will try to save as many people as we can in the next contest that way they have more trust in us and there will be more of them" She nodded. We would have to do the plan quickly soon after the next competition which would most likely be tomorrow. "Are you willing to do something so soon?" she asked. She was right it was risky but now was better than ever, my bracelet was off and I couldn't stand the killings. "Of course"


I left her room early in the morning. My head slammed into my pillow and I finally felt as if I could sleep. Of course my wish was not my command because then there was a knock on my door. "Go away"  I groaned. But the knocking was repetitive and I eventually just started throwing stuff at the door just to scare whoever it was away. "Come on Ryder get your ass up you got a competition" Stupid Patrick didn't understand how very tired I was. The door opened and Patrick slipped in. "I hate you" I mumbled as I allowed him to drag me out of bed. Somehow Patrick got me up and ready. Even though I was still half asleep I followed him down the halls not really caring as to where were going. "This part will be easier for you Ryder, it's more of survial, the only reason you'd get hurt is if you don't pay attention or people gang up on you" I rolled my eyes, people ganging up on me? it was definately going to happen, there were people here who would do anything to rule over everyone else and they know how strong I am.  Shaking my head to wake myself up didn't work. How was Nala and I susppose to help these people if I can't even think straight. "Ryder!" Patrick growled in a yelling whisper, it seems as if he has been trying to get my attention for some time now. "Were here" I came back to the real world and checked my surroundings. Some how we ended up in a dark place with a little elevator door in front of us. "And how do you know i'll go to the floor you want me to?" I asked him, it was a elevator maybe it could take me some place that helped me escape. Patrick looked confused "This elevator only goes to one place"  There was a ding and the doors were open. Patrick pushed me through. I groaned as I entered. Elevator music playing and the steel door shut behind me, I was in a metal trap. I waited with fists clenched and I felt the elevator go up and then ding the doors were open once again. Stepping out I felt as if I entered a whole new world.

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