Claude × Fanny ~ I Really Really Like You Part 1

Start from the beginning

"Just a little more, you'll learn how to swim before summer ends!" He heard Fanny's cheer, her enthusiasm is contagious and Claude couldn't help but grin.

Fanny's cheeks are blushing from the heat, she has a bright smile on her face as she continues to tend to Angela and... Oh no... she's waving those yellow toy swords for some reason. Damn it, his girlfriend is too cute without even trying, why is she acting like this in only in front of Angela? He's almost jealous, his poor heart.

He felt something expand, something fluttering in chest as he stared fondly at her from a distance. This girl... she's really the one he...

He was too engrossed in his daydream that he almost failed to notice a ball heading towards him with a speed of a blazing comet.

"What the-" He immediately caught the beach ball, furious since for a split second since he thought it was a volleyball, and those things hurt. He frowned when he saw who threw the beach ball at him.

Clint, the resident asshole, as Claude dubbed him, and he happens to have a water gun in his hand. Claude just knows Clint will aim that thing on him when he's off guard. "You just started days ago, then you start slacking." Clint laughed good heartedly. Claude didn't take kindly to that.

"Hey..." Claude whined pitifully and he weakly threw the ball back at Clint, not in the mood for their usual banter on who is the best jerkass of the century. The assistant manager of the Moniyan resort simply swung his forearm to change the ball's trajectory and it landed few steps away from him on the sand.

"Claude." Clint badgered him in a singsong voice, but there's underlying edge to it that Claude couldn't ignore. "You're the lifeguard, you're supposed to look out for everyone." Then a cheeky smile. "Not just your girlfriend."

"Was I that obvious?" Clause tried to laugh it off, he scratched the back of his head, attempting to look innocent. Anyone who's known him for years would be right to assume the opposite of that.

"Hmm yeah." Clint looked back to the shore, the odds of someone drowning are so small due to the low tide. Also there's a line of floaters a few meters away on the sea to indicate where swimmers should not go to. This is just him following protocol lest Tigreal, the manager who shall not be crossed, would hang the both of them. "Maybe if I didn't throw that on your face someone could be drowning right now."

"Come on! Cut me some slack!" Claude groused, the normally jovial face contorted to an irate and tired one. It looked strange on him. " I've been working since last night since Alucard had to leave his shift!"

Guilt was slowly pooling in Clint's gut, Alucard had to leave work the night before since he had something urgent to do at home. Personal problems, he said, nothing more and he was tight lipped as the other staff members asked him more questions in concern. Considering even Tigreal allowed the impromptu leave, it must be serious.

"Hey! Take it easy!" Clint raised his hands to placate the blonde lifeguard. Seeing a man throwing a fit while sitting on a lifeguard chair was akin to an irate toddler throwing a temper tantrum on a booster seat. "We can ask Freya to replace you right now, okay?"

Claude grinned in relief, but frowned straight away. "Hey, what if she's busy? She's the one managing the kayaking booth yeah?"

"The new intern took over" Clint shrugged. He's already letting him off the hook, what gives?


"Ah geez, you know what? I'll take over." Clint sighed, he felt manipulated into filling in Claude's shift, but it's quite obvious Claude didn't want to disturb the others, excluding him. "Now get down from that chair."

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