Alucard × Granger ~ Fool

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The sun was falling on the horizon when they arrived. The abandoned parking lot was empty and silent, devoid of human beings, the rain earlier released the smell of wet asphalt. The scattered puddles on the pavement were illuminated by the flickering street lamp and the slowly departing sun. The group of trees that huddled the area made it a sanctuary from the small town.

On a friday night with no adults around, just the two of them, this really was the perfect time and place to try out smoking.

For Granger, that is.

They sat on a yellow parking block, a few meters from the trees, facing the sunset. Alucard sat on it first and Granger followed suit, carefully placing his guitar case next to him. The blonde then looked for his cigarette pack in his blue coat's front pocket and took two cigarette sticks from it. Granger stared at his potential vice, eyes expectant, internally imagining the smoke invading his lungs and his probable death from lung cancer.

"Here." Alucard handed the cigarette to Granger and looked for his lighter in his coat pocket. Granger meanwhile held the cigarette in his fingers, it was a marlboro, a red one, but a cigarette is still a cigarette, regardless of brand, and Granger knows he'll soon regret the thought of trying it.

Out of earshot, Granger heard Alucard flicking his lighter, lighting the cig tucked in his thick lips, the blonde inhaled and released wisps of grey to the atmosphere, and Granger sat there, dazed. Alucard almost looked liked a model in those advertisements doing that, a picture one would put on a magazine or a billboard in the city. Alucard can be cool if he wanted to be, despite being an idiot in the most inappropriate of times.

"Granger, do you still want to?" Alucard inhaled the smoke again, and blew a breeze of gray fog towards the pavement. That moment looked too cool to be Alucard, a tobacco connoisseur, one would think. Alucard didn't cough when he took another puff, then a tuft of acrid smoke came out of his mouth, making Granger's vision gray. Granger pursed his lips, reconsidering, he never knew a person could have that intake that much smoke in his lungs.

But he has his pride, he was the one who asked after all.

"Yeah I still want to." Granger nodded, and Alucard laughed at him, amusement colored his cheeks. Granger frowned, indignant.

"The fuck's so funny?"

"It's like you're a boy scout, do you want breathing exercises too?" Alucard bit his lips, laughter fighting its way out of his body.

Granger would've hit that quaking shoulder with a fist, but the serenity of this place somehow kept him in check. He wouldn't want to disturb the peace in the area.

"When did you first started smoking anyway? I never saw you doing it at school."

An unsettling realization creeped in Granger's gut, they didn't hang out as much as before, Granger knew that much, but since when did Alucard start doing things without him? When did he start keeping secrets from him?

Who taught you how to smoke?

Alucard tilted his head back, and took the cigarette from his mouth, almost half of it gone. "Last month." then he smiled, his dimples now prominent. "After trying out Marijuana."

"Liar." Granger snorted, pushing his worries in the depths of his mind, the marijuana part obviously a bluff. He ignored the sinking feeling in his chest, tried to anyway. What did Alucard do while they were apart?

Alucard said nothing to that, he became quiet, his eyes then shifted to the peeking stars of dusk, his visage thoughtful, his bravado taking a backseat, slowly revealing his real self, and Granger felt a skip in his heartbeat, clumsily thumping against his ribs. It was a sickness he felt for months that he resolutely ignored.

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