He sighstiredly and turns his face into Harry's neck, wanting to forget this whole thing. "'arry, I'm sore." 

Harry chuckles into the crook of Louis' arm where he places a light kiss before straightening up. Hegently sets Louis on his feet and picked up the body gel. Louis embodies all that Harry asks that theworld give him. He lathers up some of the vanilla-scented gel on a sponge for his petal to use.Louis' forearms are on Harry's torso, his head tilted back under the water spraying down on him.Harry was careful in washing him, spreading the soap so Louis resembled a human marshmallowsfrom the chest downwards. 

He kissed Louis every two heartbeats when the speed of time sloweddown and his lips got lonely.When they found it in themselves to pull away from another so that they could step out of theshower with their pruney fingers and pink skin. 

Harry found a towel for Louis first and wrapped theboy up in it twice over, leaving him immobile under those layers."What is the point of this?" Louis asked, unable to throw his hands up, standing on a rubber matwith a black towel around his shoulders.Harry looked at him like he was something adorable. He in fact was to the man who found thrill andjoy in very little outside Louis. 

"I like the moments you are dependent on me."Louis cooes at him when Harry comes to pick him up again with no regard for Louis' ability tomove on his own. 

He tries escaping the arms of this man by dashing out of his radius wheneverHarry gets close enough, eventually sacrificing his towel to race out of the bathroom when Harrygrabs one end.

 "Petal!" Harry chases after him when Louis exits the bathroom, leaving wet footprints on the beigecarpet."Petal." 

Another voice stops Louis' loud giggling and takes hold of his arms, Edward's face soclose to the boy's when he collides with the man's chest.Louis tries to move past the loud thump his heart creates when it falls to his gut. Edward's eyes aresleepy and no more harmful than he always is, voice scratchy and hair disarrayed. 

"Hi." He fully intends to pretend like Harry never said a thing to him, giving Edward a fair chance.Edward suspects nothing and Louis can relax his heartbeat without feeling guilty or in distress. Heeven receives a very faithful and warm kiss. 

"Hello, my sweet petal."Harry takes on the persona he's swathed in when around his brother, moving past the united pairingto go into the closet. 

Edward quizzically assesses Louis' half-nude state and picks up the towel fromfallen at his hips to drape over the boy's shoulders.Louis can never see a monster in those dark but loving and wide eyes.

 He can only see Edward. 

His Edward.

 Edward had his four fingers splayed out on Louis' nape, cupping the back of his neck to bring himcloser. Louis' warm puffs of air is tasted on Edward's tongue, minty and delicious. The taller,towering male brushes Louis' lips with his own tenderly. 

"I think a shower would do me good." Edward murmurs with his eyes half-lidded.Louis feels like the criminal between them imagining that his lover can ever be more than a littleprotective. 

Everyone's a little protective. He refuses to let himself become afraid of Edward nowafter so much has happened

"It's a pity you won't be joining me." He continues, pointedly gesturing to Louis' wrinkledfingertips.

 "I will make you breakfast to make up for it." Louis bargained, taking his own back and slipping outof Edward's grasp smoothly.

 "Go on then." Edward swats Louis on his bum and send him off into the bedroom. 

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