Chapter Seventeen

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Niall's body was no more than zero millimetres apart from Harry's, with those hairless and justthe perfect kind of pale hands gripping the man's jacket lapels. Their outwards appearance not themost traumatising part, but the part where their lips are meshed together. 


When Harry shoves Niall off he's a splitting image of a human raging bull. It sickenly settles themini explosion in Louis' chest to know that his friend's efforts at diving headfirst into somethingthat will end up harming him, has been fruitless.Edward isn't any less happy about it, and Louis starts to take his threat to Harry seriously. He looksat Edward in the middle of his prayer that he isn't dropped. He's disappointed and furious, all rolledinto and divided into fitting both eyes that become more and more soulless.

 "Maybe not today." Edward's clenched jaw hardly allows for his words to be squeezed out. 

Harry hears him now that he's not distracts by another person trying to fucking climb him.He turns to his right and that anger dissolves into helplessness. He doesn't want his petal to think hechose anyone above him.How dare Louis' supposed friend try to get between them? He belonged to his precious Louand nobody else. 

"Harry, no!" Louis almost falls out of Edward's arms when he sees Harry grab Niall by the arm."Edward, stop him."

 "No." Edward looked at everyone else around them, daring them to set foot near his brother. 

Harry's sudden grip jerks Niall's whole body forward, letting him stumble but not fall as he gotcloser to Harry. His eyes were widened by the fearful tears that were building, regret from his awfuldecision surfacing for all to see. He couldn't fight off Harry - the man who saved him - onany good day.

 "He'll kill him. Edward please!" Louis began pushing Edward's shoulders and trying to break free,but he might as well be shoving iron.

 Edward saw a win-win in this situation if he just let play out what may, but he wasn't his old selfanymore and couldn't allow for his petal to be heartbroken. "Give me the answer I want to myquestion." 

"What?!" Louis was watching in shreds of horror as Harry nearly cracked Niall's clavicle with theforce of his clamping down hand. 

"Say yes." Edward told him.

 "Yes!" Louis shouted, long lost to any hope of knowing what he was consenting to. 

Immediately, Edward's voice met Harry's ears down the passageway and got him to cease his attack."Harry!" 

The intended man drops his hand from Niall's neck and arm, screwing his mouth shut from itsfrightening snarl, and looks over his shoulder at where he was called.Everyone in the hospital was dead silent, nurses and others frozen in their phone calls. Every objectwas brought to a standstill and a pin drop could be heard dozens of rooms down the hall. 

All eyeswere on them, even the security guards and present police officers who seemed to forget what theywere here for.Harry left his space of crowding Niall into his last corner, and made his way over to Louis. Therewas no loss of attitude or authority, because he still walked with his head raised to the level andeyes scanning everything. People shivered even if he didn't look at them. 

"Petal." All that stone cold exterior melted when he reached Louis, eyes searching Louis' for therejection that would end him.Louis touches Harry's wrist when the man cups his cheek, unable to bring himself to smile. Feelinglike an infant he is passed to Harry by Edward, filling up the space between his shoulders andagainst his chest. He looks right into Harry's eyes, totally unafraid.

 "I'm not his, petal." Harry starts, leaning his forehead against Louis' and his eyes fought to nestleamongst the blue ocean of Louis'. "I'm yours, darlin'. Always."

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