Chapter 10

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Dinner rolled around and everyone sat around the table. Well everyone but me. I was outside feeding our 4 dogs. Diablo, our 7 month old King Shepard. Sirius, Lyla's 3 year old Rough Collie.

Archer, my 8 month old Mahogany Leonberger. And last but not least Diesel, my fat 2 year old Rottweiler. Steve walks out popping a potato wedge in his mouth. "You need help out here?" I place down Archers large bowl smiling.

"Nope everything done. Horses are feed, cows are in the field, dogs are fed. Now the only thing to do is get myself fed." I walk in the back door behind Steve. I slid my boots off and slip my feet back in my reindeer slippers. As I walk the red nose blinks. "Where did you get those?"

I look down at my slippers and back up at the man with glasses. "I really don't know Clint saw them at the store and apparently started to fangirl so Nat put them in the basket to shut him up." He laughed and I saw the untouched broccoli on Coopers plate. "Hey big dog eat your greens we talked about this." Cooper nodded and looked at the greens grossed out.

I got up and walked to the fridge I grabbed the container of onion chip dip. "Try it with this it may make it a little more appealing to your taste buds." He picked up they raw green and scraped some of the dip into his broccoli. He popped it in his mouth and chewed before smiling. "Thanks Scottie."

I smiled and dropped the container in front of him. "No problem Big Dog."

Once dinner was done we decided a movie was much needed. I looked around the movie cabinet before finding my favourite Christmas movie and popping it into the DVD player and pressing play. "The movies starting!" Everyone ran into the living room asking me what movie I picked. "You'll see soon enough."

The screen filled with snowflakes and a soft song began to play. (You May know where this is going. And if you think it's frozen you suck.) "Inside a snowflake like the one on your sleeve there happened a story you must see to believe." I laughed as Clint and Nat groaned out loud. "What happened!?" Everyone panicked.

"Just give it a second." Everyone turned to the screen awaiting for anything to happen that would tell them the movie. "Way up in the mountains, in the high range of Pontoons, lay the small town of Whoville." Everyone stopped as the title came up. "The Grinch!?"

I nodded smiling at Everyone's reaction. "The home of the Who's. Ask any who and they'll have this to say: 'there's no place like Whoville around Christmas Day. Every window was flocked, every lamppost was dressed, and the Whoville band marched in their Christmas best. Arbor Day was fine, and Easter was pleasant, and every St. Fizzin's day they ate a fizz pheasant. But every Who knew from their 12 toes to their snout, they loved Christmas the most without a single Who doubt."

The movie went on for the little ways before I spoke once again. "Yes, every Who down in Whoville loved Christmas a lot. But the Grinch, who lived just north of Whoville, did not." Once again there was a pause no one spoke a single word all were surprised by how well I knew the narrators lines.

"The Grinch hated Christmas, the whole Christmas season. Now please don't ask why. No one quite knows the reason. It could be his head wasn't screwed on just right. It could be, perhaps, that his shoes were too tight. But I think the most likely reason of all, was that his heart was two sizes to small."

I sang every song, spoke every narrative line and laughed to every joke that were sprinkled about. By the end of the night everyone was humming 'Where are you Christmas' and 'Your a mean one Mr. Grinch' but most of all Everyone was ready to sleep. As we were waking up early to leave for New York.

Even the Friendliest of People are Alone (MCU)//completedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon