Chapter 16

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I made my way back to my room frowning. Tony surely hates me now. I lay back on my bed ignoring the pain in my arm from the past fight. My door opened and Tony came rushing in. "What did she say and what did you reply?!"

"She asked what I was. I replied with the description I was giving back in Hydra ever since I was little. 'A monster' they would always tell me. I never knew why though. I was always sweet, did what people told me, and never got into fights unless told.

That was till about a year ago. I had gotten a letter from an unknown person it explained a couple things. The one that stuck out was the truth of who I was." I took a deep breath before continuing.

"It said that when I was little not even 9. My abilities became powerful. Too powerful for my little body to handle. I had killed many and when Hydra found this they told me to kill my parents, I did. With my ability I can take away things from nature. But the biggest problem is that something that's natural if I removed it I could never rebuild it.

So there's no way to get that back. The family people know me from is the Barton family. Their my adopted-ish family. I never knew this till I got the letter I thought I was artificially made. It really hurt to know that the people that put so much effort into bringing me into the world I took them out of it will such little."

He hugged me and cradled me in his arms as I cried. "You know. No matter how much I could tell you I know what your going through, I could never know. Your brain is so different then mine. Both our minds are driving by anxiety but yours is so much worse then mine. You have fought wars so different then mine you have done things I could never imagine. Been betrayed by people. Yet your here in front of me letting out all of your grief."

"That's because your like a second father to me. I trust you." He smiles and ruffles my hair. I wipe my tears and stand up. "Well I guess I should meet your wife now. Seeing she just got here and I already gave a horrible impression." I nodded and walks over to me.

He grins before throwing me over his shoulder and runs out my door. "Put me down this instant you mongrel!" He only laughs and continued to run through the halls of the tower. His shoes hit the floor leaving a clank echoing through the hall. I hit his back, kick my feet, and push off his back trying to get out off his grip.

After one final attempt of all four he puts me down on the floor in front of the woman from the garage. Her long blonde hair was pulled up into a messy bun with hairs hanging down from the side of her bangs. Her eyes were a shining blue and her lashes were long and dark. Her frame was small and punny, This woman had little to no fat on any of her bones. All in all she looked like a form of a goddess.

Even the Friendliest of People are Alone (MCU)//completedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang