Chapter 32: Defeating Pete

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They continued running up the stairs as a pig dressed up as a sailor, who was singing really fast.

As they got to the top, they got on a prop moon and went down it. On the other end was a prop sun.

I am the very model of a modern major-general
I've information vegetable, animal...historical
From Marathon to Waterloo in order categorical
I'm very well acquainted, too, with matters mathematical
I understand equations, both the simple and quadratical
About binomial theorem, I am teeming with a lot of news
With many cheerful facts about
the square of the hypotenuse"

"She's getting away!" Pete yelled then jumped on the sun, bringing them back up.

"I am the very model
Of a modern major-general"

Pete stopped the rope to be aligned with the four of them and they fought over the chest, going back and forth. But what caught him off guard was when Jamie pointed the tip of her sword at his eye, making him almost jump back and let go of the chest. But with that, the guys accidentally dropped the chest.

"Princess!" Mickey shouted.

Mickey swung to the stairs and ran down them in time to catch it, but boy did it hurt.

"Ouch," he groaned.

"That's gotta hurt," Jamie commented.

Pete blew a raspberry at them then sent them back up. But Jamie had leapt to the rope, holding Pete. But in the process, she hit the ground hard. The Beagle Boys had already pounced after Donald and Goofy. Then Pete threw his side of the rope, making them crash through the stage floor. Jamie quickly made her way to Mickey and they worked on the chest.

"Two down, and two to go," Pete remarked.

"I almost got it," Mickey struggled to get the chest open with his sword.

"Come on, Mickey," Jamie encouraged.

But Minnie then saw Pete's shadow behind Mickey.

"Oh, no! Look out!" Minnie warned.

"Uh, Mickey?" Jamie signaled.

"What?" Mickey asked.

"This is it, squeaky...mano y mouse-o y her-o," Pete challenged as they all pulled out their swords.

Everyone else got off the stage as the tortoise prepared more music. Once the music played, Jamie and Mickey took on Pete, them struggling to fight him off. Pete even caught her off guard by kicking her back. Then Mickey got Pete's sword out of his hands, but then Pete stood on Mickey's sword, preparing to punch him.

"Mickey, look out!" Jamie called, pushing Mickey out of the way just in time.

Mickey slid toward the hole in the stage as Pete's fist made contact with Jamie's face, sending her toward front stage. The audience gasped at that. Jamie groaned as she got up, facing Pete, who had Mickey's sword to her chest.

"It's all over, Jamie...and you're all alone. And now with you and those morons finally out of the way, getting rid of the princess will be easy as pie," Pete smirked.

"Pete!" a voice shouted.

Everyone looked stage right to see Max with Jamie's sword and a look of determination on his face.

"Get away from my girl," he demanded, holding the sword toward Pete.

"Well, lookey here. Maxie-Boy has some nerve to command the king," Pete remarked.

"You are no king," Max remarked.

Pete growled and challenged, "Then come at me, boy. And rescue your damsel in distress."

The Four Musketeers (Max X Jamie)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz