Chapter 2: "The Four Musketeers"

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"What's that turtle doing?" the woman asked.

"Where's the narrator?" a man wondered.

"We're live. Just go with it," the camera man shushed then told the tortoise, "Hey, you. Don't just sit there like a turtle. Do something!"

The turtle became scared and hid his head in his shell. When he popped it out, his comic was on his head.

"You're on camera! For crying out loud, say something!" the camera man scolded.

"Allo," the turtle laughed nervously then read his story further.

"Tell the story," the camera man urged.

That gave the turtle an idea, so he sat up and cleared his throat.

"Today, I will tell you the story of...'The Four Musketeers'! This is my favorite version, the one with pictures. And, of course, my songs," the turtle said, laughed confidently, then read as he was transported into the story himself, "Our story the gutter, where poor young street urchins Mickey, Donald, and Goofy struggled to survive. Zut alors! Bad guys. Will anyone defend these innocent children? Anyone! Anyone! Anyone! Well, anyone? Ha ha! The royal musketeers! Yes! And after the dust settles, a kindly musketeer gives Mickey a gift. Don't worry, Mickey; you'll grow into it. From that day on, Mickey, Donald, and Goofy dreamed of being great musketeers. And as the years passed, they met a young girl who joined the musketeers at a young age. Her name is Jamie and she was able to teach them some Musketeer duties. But their dream was still as far away as ever." (A/N Play video now.) "You see, before their dream can come true, our three heroes must learn the real meaning of the musketeer creed Jamie taught them: all for one and one for all! And I just happen to have a song about this!"

He was now in a village with a hat, cap, and shoes. He got a guitar and began singing as musketeers came out on horses.

"All for one, hey! All for one and one for all
Musketeers sing All for one
and one for all
If you dare to cross our path, prepare to fall
'Cause we'll fight you
All for one and one for all
And all for one and one for all
And all for one and all

So, if you think you'd care to
Kick some derriere, you
Know that as a musketeer, you'd be so fearsome
If you believe you're manly
Come and join our family
Soon we'll make sure you're a musketeer"

Meanwhile, the janitors, Mickey, Donald, and Goofy, watched in awe as the musketeers trained.

"Look at them, fellas. That's gonna be us out there someday. Fighting crime along side Jamie. I just know it," Mickey assured.

"I can't wait," Goofy smiled.

"Yeah. Me, too," Donald sighed in content.

"All for one, all folk of honor, hear my call
Musketeers sing all for one and one for all
All for one, hey, all for one and one for all
All for one and all for one and one for all
And all for one and one for all
And all for one and all"

"All for one and one for all!" the turtle shouted.


A/N Alright! All for one and one for all!

The Four Musketeers (Max X Jamie)Where stories live. Discover now