Merry Christmas!

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Merry Christmas everyone!! I hope you all have a wonderful holiday! I love you all and here's your Christmas special cause you guys are awesome! BTW I have no freaking clue how to write this and it is in no way, shape, or form, related to the actual story.

Snowflakes lazily drifted down from the sky as they added another layer to the already thick sheet of snow covering over the fields and trees as well as the couples walking in the soft snowfall. Among the couples was an odd looking pair. A small and skinny boy with curly brown hair and naturally darkened skin was walking beside a well built boy with blonde hair. A scar marred his lip, but that is only noticeable if you are able to look away from his stunningly electric blue eyes. The boys walked nearly hip to hip, but to anyone who asked, they were not a couple. Just some best friends out on a cold December day, unaware that the countdown til Christmas was nearing its last hour while they strolled. 

Leo was warming himself with a cup of hot chocolate piled high with whipped cream as Jason relayed his gift hunting excursion. He highlighted the moments when he found the perfect present at a great price, and exaggerated the moments where he 'fought tooth and nail' for a black Friday deal. The smaller boy enjoyed listening to the other ramble on and on and he couldn't help the soft smile that played onto his lips as he watched the blue eyed wonder talk. 

"What's got you all smiley for?" Jason questioned, wondering what the Latino was finding funny.

"Nothing. I'm just really happy right now. I like hearing you talk and I'm glad we could have this moment together."

Jason's cheeks flushed in response and he wrapped his arm around the small boy and pulled him into his chest in a cozy one armed hug. "You're so cheesy."

Leo smiled and looked up at him and when Jason caught his eye, he had an intense urge to kiss him. Instead, he leaned in and rubbed their cold noses together making the Latino giggle and break into that great big smile that he adored so much.

The two boys continued walking and chatting until they got to the arched doorway that housed the dying down Christmas party that they had earlier escaped. When they walked inside, they spotted many individuals passed out in awkward spaces. Whether it was from too much eggnog or alcohol, no one would be able to tell until tomorrow if they puked in the morning. A few people were still up. Will, the Stolls, and, surprisingly, Hazel were all still awake and drinking. However, once they stepped into the room the four people still awake shouted one unanimous line as they pointed to the entrance where they stood.

"Mistletoe kiss!!!"

Jason and Leo looked at each other for a brief moment before Jason practically growled out, "I've been waiting all night for this." Before he pounced on Leo. Grabbing his hips and bringing him flush against himself. He then raised a hand to caress the side of Leo's face before tilting his head and brushing his lips lightly against the smaller boy before pulling away.

Leo looked dazed for a moment, and then pissed. "You say you've been waiting all night and then you give me that weak ass kiss?" With that Leo gripped Jason's shirt, pulling him down as he stood on his tiptoes and smashed their lips together again. 

Jason responded quickly by grabbing Leo and urgently pressing their bodies together again. Both boys completely forgetting their surroundings, too caught up in their own desires for each other before an awkward cough breaks them apart. 

They try to calm their erratic breaths and red cheeks as a slow clap fills the room and everyone bursts out in a short laugh before going back to the groups they were in before they had arrived. 

Jason took this opportunity to lean down and whisper in Leo's ear, "Merry Christmas."

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