fourteen - what did I just do?!

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Lizzie's POV

Suddenly, two people came into the room both wearing old, dirty, surgical clothes. (Seeing a theme here?) One was empty handed, while the other was holding something small and oblong. As the people came closer I realized the object was moving, though only slightly. The one holding the small object was a woman, while the other one was a man. The man walked over to the table with surgical equipment and picked up a scalpel.

Joel's POV

I got home and the door was open. I called for Lizzie and got no answer. I walked through the house and when I got to the nursery things had been knocked over and broken as if there had been a struggle. I finished walking through the house and found no sound of Lizzie or Koraan. I called the police and when they arrived they said they would look into it.

The next day

They reported to me that they found an old, dirty, syringe in the nursery with both Lizzie's and Koraan's DNA on its needle. I couldn't bear to sleep in the same house that my girlfriend and child had been stolen from, so I went to a hotel.

Lizzie's POV

The last thing I remember is looking down and realizing I was in a hospital gown as the man slid the scalpel into my stomach.

Joel's POV

The investigators told me they found Lizzie and Koraan on the nursery room floor... Lizzie had lost a lot of blood and had an open wound in her stomach. Presumably from a scalpel. Koraan had no open wounds but had been severely beaten.

I'll Never Leave You. - a Jizzie Fanfiction - Book One [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now