E I G H T - filler

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After several thrusts forward , Yeosang's legs became tired . His breath came in short gasps and he stopped for a while . He literally ran 3 flights of stairs .  It's been ages since he runs . Plus , he hates using a lot of his energy 

He felt his whole body working; his leg muscles running warm, fresh air entered his lungs and blood flowed into all his limbs . His lungs feels burning and his calves burned after the runs . Maybe he should exercise often after this , to build up his stamina a little bit

After successfully keeping his breathing steady , Yeosang walk another set of stair . Upon reaching at the front door , Seonghwa was nowhere to be found .

Yeosang scanned the hallway , trying to find Seonghwa's figure but to no avail . He pondered if Seonghwa already left , tired of waiting .  He started to feel bad for the guy since he told him , that he will arrive quickly .Thus , It became a forgotten promise afterwards .

Yeosang took out his phone in his left pocket . He dialled Seonghwa's number and waiting for him to answer the call . He waited patiently and keep scanning the hallway , hoping for Seonghwa to appear somewhere around .

A sudden deep voice from the other line startled Yeosang , " Hello ? Seonghwa where are you? I thought-"

"Chill , I only went to the convenience store and use their microwave reheat the chicken because The food is getting cold . I'm on the 2nd floor"

Yeosang sighed in relief . He was worried for nothing . Seonghwa didn't left

Wait ,why did he felt relief ? Why did he was worried about Seonghwa?  He shouldn't be like this . He didn't care where would Seonghwa go . It's not like he likes Seonghwa .

Maybe he was just worried if Seonghwa will catch a cold , waiting for him outside . Okay , that's still doesn't sounds right . Why would he care about that? Seonghwa could catch whatever disease he wants , Yeosang couldn't care less

Or maybe , Yeosang was just worried about the fried chicken ! Yes , the fried chicken . He was waiting for the fried chicken afterall !

Yeosang nodded and agreed to himself . He then patted himself on the shoulders , congratulating his smart brain ,for choosing the best reason 'why he was worried earlier' after mentally debating with his inner self

He saw Seonghwa waved at him joyfully . Yeosag waved back and apologized to Seonghwa . Seonghwa assured to him that he didn't actually mind , since he was keeping himself busy playing some mobile games .

Yeosang saw a pair of shoes on the front door step . Judging from the size ,It looks like Yunho's . He thought Yunho went to the library . He shrugged it off , too tired to think about that . He rang the doorbell and waited for Yunho to open the door .

"Babyy-" deep voice Yeosang didn't recognized opened the door . Does Yunho's voice always thsi deep?? . Yeosang looked at the guy in front of him . He squints his eyes .

He has a tall figure , with a small eyes - that looks even smaller when he's smiling .

Yeosang was confused . At first , Yeosang thought that he was at the wrong door , somehow mistaken . So he re-read the door's number , and for sure , it's the correct one

Yeosang looked back at the taller in front of him- the guy's eyes widened and suddenly he tried to close the door but Yeosang was faster . It's strange , that the guy is much weaker than what Yeosang had thlught . Yeosang slightly pushed the door open - he didn't use that much of effort to counter the guy's attempt on closing the door .

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