Deep Magics

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The night was peaceful. A warm, gentle breeze swept across the land, slithering through the grass and causing the trees to whisper. 

It was far too pleasant for the sorrowful affairs that would soon take place. 

A handsome golden lion slowly made his way into the forest, head hung low and eyes distant. A few minutes after entering the trees he sensed two other presences behind him. 

"Shouldn't you girls be in bed?" He sighed, glancing over a broad should to where the sisters were peaking around a tree. 

"We couldn't sleep," Lucy explained sheepishly. 

"Please, may we accompany you?" Susan, the older sister, asked with worry in her voice. 

"Very well, but only for a short time." The lion murmured and waited for each girl to grasp his mane before continuing onward. 

Silence reigned save for the wind and the sound of their breathing. The deeper they trekked the darker the night seemed to become until the girls could barely see in front of them, clutching onto the fur of Aslan's mane in a death grip so as not to lose him. 

Aslan suddenly came to a halt and stared straight ahead into the darkest part of the forest. "Come out old friend. You need not hide yourself for the girl's sake! They would meet you eventually." 

A low chuckle sounded before a pair of glowing emerald eyes peered out at the trio from between the tree trunks. A moment later a man emerged from the shadows with a warm smile on his lips. His skin was as pale as ivory, offset by his shoulder length black hair and vibrant green eyes that seemed to pierce their very souls. A peculiar lightning shaped scar marred his brow but otherwise he was without blemish. 

Both girls subconsciously shivered as that gleaming gaze raked over them. Those eyes were ancient!

"Greetings, my Lord." He bowed low at the waist and then dipped his head to the young women. "And hello to you as well, Pevensie sisters." 

"H-How do you know us?" Susan stammered, shying closer to the lion's side as the stranger came toward them. 

She received a smirk in answer. "Ah, ah. Secrets, my dear." 

Susan scowled and Lucy giggled quietly which earned her a cheerful grin from the raven-haired stranger. "You know what lays ahead, don't you Hadrian?" Aslan murmured and the man nodded, face becoming grim. 

"Aye. I would try to convince you otherwise..." Hadrian trailed off for a moment and brushed the dark hair from his eyes. "However, I know you have your mind made up on this, you altruistic fluff-ball!" 

Aslan huffed a chuckle at that while Lucy giggled again and Susan looked on incredulously. Silence returned as the lion stepped away from his young charges. "This is as far as you go, children." 

"But Aslan-"

The great beast cut Lucy off with a gentle nudge of his large head. "No, young one. This is my fight alone," He admonished softly, his somber countenance once more returning. "Farewell." The girls stared deeply into his amber eyes for a moment before he turned away and continued into the forest. 

Hadrian bowed once more to them and with nary a whisper vanished after the lion. 

Susan and Lucy shared a look and then scurried after the two, making sure to be extra stealthy this time around. 

~*~ ~*~ ~*~

Harry ~ 

"You know they're just going to follow you anyway, right?" 

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