Dies cuatro .

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My eyes flutter open and i had to close them right back because all i could see was bright white lights . I tried to sit up but it was this pain in my stomach and i didn't know what it was or where i was at . Then it all dawned on me that Jania pushed me on my stomach .

I jumped up ignoring the pain i felt and went to feel my stomach but what caught my attention was it was flat which means my baby was no longer there . " NO NO NO WHERES MY BABY " i screamed so loud it alerted every nurse and whoever else was in my room but i don't give a fuck i just want my baby .

I looked around to see Oceann , Meg and Kentrell crying which made me cry because i was praying to god i didn't lose my baby . I felt my throat tighten which made it hard to talk and tears start uncontrollably falling " Somebody please tell me where's my baby " i croaked out in a whisper .

Still silence fell over and that lets me know my baby was gone . I laid back and flipped over to my right side away from everyone stares and just cried my self to sleep .

Kentrell Pov

It still didn't register in my head that my baby was gone because of Jania dumb ass . All i could do was watch Ari cry herself to sleep because we couldn't muster up the words to say what we knew she didn't wanna hear . I went to walk out the door when a fiat went flying into my face .

I spun around fast as hell and grabbed the person who wind up being Oceann by the neck and tighten my grip around her neck watching the color fade out her face .

" Kentrell let her go ..... please " my head snapped up and i seen Ari in tears . So i dropped Oceann while she gasped for air and walked over to Ari to hold her hand but she moved away from me . " I never wanna see you again " those words stung so bad so i turned and left out of the room and headed towards the elevator.

Just when the doors were about to close somebody put they hand there to stop it and it's was Meg . " Say If you here to put your hands on me i promise you you'll regret it " i growled and she stood there staring then bit her lip and started to walk towards me i wanted to stop her but i couldn't .

See Megan body is out this fucking world like it's like a double coke bottle and her ass is ridiculous and I'm a man what you expect 😏 .

She dropped straight to her knees and started sucking me off and when i tell you her head was wild that shit had a nigga bout to moan but one think we both forgot was to stop the elevator and it stopped and when the door open there was Oceann and Ari was in the wheelchair .

" You got to be fucking with me Jesus " Ari said laughing . We all know when they start laughing they about to go crazy and the wild part about it is Meg ain't stop and i nutted .

" Shit " was all i could say while Megan got up and dusted her knees and licked her lips . She turned to Ari " That's how you suck dick little sis " she walked out . " Oh yea sorry for your lost " she giggled then the elevator doors closed and when i say the tension was soo thick a fucking chain saw couldn't cut it .

" Ari I'm really - " she put her finger up then looked at me with tears on her eyes . " I'm not even mad she sucked you off because we ain't together but I'm mad at the fact we just lost a baby and instead of grieving you getting ya Duck sucked " she screamed .

" I guarantee you this the last time you'll be seeing me bitch " then she got off the elevator .

                     Ari Pov .

It's been a month since i last seen Kentrell and i lost my baby but i been handling it very well and i been modeling clothes and things in instagram so life been fair for me . I was about to take a shower til i heard constant knocking at my front door .


I opened the door and it was the devil himself staring back at me . " Kentrell plea- " before i could finish he started attacking me with kisses all over . I wanted to stop him i really did but my body was on a high and only he knew how to get me there .

I must have been in my own thought because i didn't know he slide all my clothes off and i didn't realize he slide in me until felt complete pleasure but this time was different it was as fast as i like it or as rough as he liked it . It was slow and sensual like he was trying to tell me something without using words .

I started crying tears of pleasure and realizing he was making love to me . Before i knew it my back fell on something comfortable which was the bed and idk when we got in my room but we was here now . He flipped me over with one hand and pulled me to the edge of the bed and slide in but he lift me up this time and was giving me slow deep strokes until we both release at the same time and that was the last time i officially saw him .

               2 Years Later ....

" Icelyn and Winter get y'all asses in here what i tell y'all about messing with mommy make up " i said frustrated this babies stressed me out something terrible . " we sorry mommy " they both said together holding hands knowing that's how they get me every time .

" ugh go ahead and go play before auntie Oceann gets here " they ran off and the door bell rung . I opened the door and it was Oceann " Hey sis " she said . Yes Oceann was pregnant by Ace but she didn't wanna keep it so she got a abortion .

She cried for a month straight but i understood her reasons she'll get blessed again . " Girl they looking more and more like they daddy when your gonna tell him " . I closed the door aNd walked off .

" Fuck Kentrell " .

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