Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Hayes POV

Today is Magcon Houston. I am so glad me and Casey are friends and worked everything out. I couldn’t live without my best friend. I think i’m going to get some breakfast. I threw on my Magcon sweatshirt and some sweatpants and grabbed my key, and phone and walked out. I started walking across the street until I heard “HAYES WATCH OUT!” Then everything went black.

Casey’s POV

I was just finishing breakfast, and I walked out the door and was about to walk across the street until I saw Hayes, a car was coming fast his way. “HAYES WATCH OUT!” I Yelled and then he just collapsed to the ground. The car just kept going. It didn’t even stop to see if he was okay.I walk over to Hayes’ lifeless body. As a car comes, I tell them to go around. One car pulled over to see if he was okay. “A car just hit him and didn’t even stop.” I say to the boy. “Want me to call 911?” the boy asked. “Please.” I say. He pulls out his phone and calls 911. I start talking to Hayes. “Hayes, stay with me buddy. I need you. You are my best friend, literally. Please stay with me. I love you. I’m sorry that I didn’t try to get you back. I need you back Hayes please, I love you so much.” I say crying. “C-can you call my brother?” I say. He nods. I give him my brothers number and he calls him. I just hold on to Hayes’ hand. 

2 minutes later, the ambulance, and police arrives. “Who are you to him?” the police asks. “i’m his best friend.” I say. “okay you can come with us. Where’s his family?” He asks. “His brother is meeting us at the hospital. So is my brother.” I say. “Okay let’s go.” He says. We get into the ambulance with Hayes and the doctors I guess is what they are. 

We got to the hospital, and they took Hayes back to surgery. I wait for Nash, Shawn, Cameron, Maggie, and everyone else to get here. They arrived shortly. Maggie runs up to me, she sees me crying. “I’m so sorry babe.” Maggie says. I just cry into her shoulder. “sssh it’s going to be okay C.” Maggie says rubbing my back. 3 hours later, the doctor comes back and tells us he made it through and that we could see him. Nash goes in first. Then me. I just go to his bed side and cry. “Hayes, i need you back. I didn’t realize how sad I was without you. You mean the world to me. Just stay, and wake up please.” I say crying. I just put my head on his chest. I hear him say something faintly. “Hayes?!” I say. “Casey, I love you so much babe. I’m so sorry.” Hayes says. “Hayes, i missed you so much.” I say hugging him. He rubs my back. I hear ‘awws’ from the guys. I blush. “i’m sorry about everything Casey.” Hayes says. He starts crying. “It’s okay. Don’t cry.” I say hugging him. The doctor walks in. “Great your awake. How are you feeling Mr. Grier?” He asks. “I’m feeling better. When can I leave?” Hayes asks. “We need to keep you over night and make sure you wake up okay. You can have one person stay with you.” The doctor says. Hayes looks at me. “Can I stay?” I ask. “If Mr. Grier doesn’t mind.” The doctor says. “Oh I don’t mind at all doc.” Hayes says. “Okay then you can.” The doctor says. “Thanks.” I say. He nods and walks out. “Shawn can you go to the hotel and bring me some clothes?” I say. “If Maggie helps me.” Shawn says. “I will help you. Be back soon.” Maggie says. “Goodnight” Everyone else says. “Goodnight.” We say. 

After about 20 minutes, Shawn, Maggie, and Carter walk back in. “Here you go sis. We will be back in the morning to sign Hayes out, and pick ya’ll up okay?” Shawn says. “Okay, thanks Shawn.” I say. He hugs me and they leave. I go in the bathroom, and change. Then I come back in the room and lay on the couch and go to sleep.

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