Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Shawn’s POV

 I wake up to someone singing in the shower. ‘Is that Casey?’ I think to myself. I walk out of my room and go to the bathroom door and listen carefully. OMG IT’S CASEY. I walk to the guest room where Hayes is staying. “Dude did you hear Casey singing in the shower?” I ask Hayes. “Yeah man, she sounds amazing.” Hayes says. “you know.. we need another singer at Magcon.. Maybe Bart would let her join?” I ask. “yeah Shawn. call him.” Hayes says. i nod. I walk into my room and call Bart. 

B: hello Shawn.

S: Bart hey, so you know how you said we need another singer at Magcon?

B: yeah, why?

S: well i found us one.

B: who?

S: my sister Casey. 

B: that’s great! we got another Mendes! of course she can join us, see you at Magcon Atlanta, and hope to see Casey there?

S: of course, she will be there. Thanks Bart!

B: see ya Shawn!

I hang up and walk back to Hayes. “what did he say?” Hayes asks. “He said yes!”  I say. “that’s great! we better tell her man.” Hayes says. “we will. how about right now?” Shawn asks. Hayes nods and we walk out of the room. 

Casey’s POV

I just got out of the shower. Shawn and Hayes walked into my room. “Can ya’ll knock next time? What if I would have been naked?” I say. “Sorry C. We have some news.” Shawn says. “what’s that?” I say. “so we uh heard you singing in the shower.. and we kinda asked Bart if you could join Magcon and he said yes. so CONGRATS” Shawn says. “omygosh!! Shawn thank you!! you are the best brother ever!!” I say. “I know, i know. I knew how miserable you are when we are gone so, yeah.” Shawn says. “Shawn.. Aaliyah is going to be miserable..” I say. “she’s coming with us. she will be bored out of her mind.” Shawn says. “True, when do we leave?” I ask. “tomorrow” Hayes says. “oh god I gotta pack, I will text Aaliyah and tell her the news.” I say. “okay well uh have fun packing.” Hayes says. “oh thanks babe.” I say. He gives me a hug and walks out of the room. I text Aaliyah. 

To: Aaliyah 

pack up sister! we are going to Magcon!

From: Aaliyah

yay!! help me?

To: Aaliyah 

if you come help me first

From: Aaliyah

k, be there in a sec.

-end of convo- 

After all the conversation, Aaliyah walks through my door. “let’s pack up sister!!” Aaliyah says excited. It took me about 20 minutes to pack because of Aaliyah’s help. It took us about 30 minutes to pack Aaliyah’s stuff. After we packed, we are tired so we go to bed. Aaliyah decided to sleep with me. “Goodnight everyone!” I say. “GOODNIGHT” Hayes yells. “Night” Shawn says. This Magcon tour is going to be fun.

Shawn Mendes' little sisterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang