LGBTQ Prompt - Families

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In the annual Christmas delight, Sinah had invited his friends to celebrate the glorious holiday with the radio on the highest volume, blasting from across the room. Suited up in a black turtleneck and high waist jeans he danced around in the small apartment along with his dear friends, that all danced with their significant other. Last Christmas rang in their ears in the lovely decorated living room when Sinah popped down on a leather couch with a glass of champagne. One of his dearest friends joined him in while catching his breath, raising the glass in a cheer.

"So, how is it going with your... girlfriend? Is she coming?"

Sinah froze for a second before gulping down the cold drink in one go, staring at the young woman sitting down on his best friend's lap. He had never mentioned it was a girl, but a person. An amazing person he wanted to share his life with but hadn't the gut to ask in the first place, it was the way it was. Nervous he fingered on the neck of the glass before putting it down on the tile table.

"Uhm, she couldn't make it," Sinah responded while stealing a glance of his best friend, "she, uh, is volunteering, you know, feeding homeless people."

"Ah, what a shame!" Roy took another sip from the fine champagne, "she sounds fantastic."

"Yeah, the coolest and sweetest," Sinah added still staring at his dear friend, the cold blue hair and sparkling green eyes had him mesmerized for the moment. It wasn't until Roy's girlfriend, Tikki, snapped him out of it.

"You have only talked about her and yet, we haven't seen her once. It's possible to think she's not even real, or what do you say, honey?"

"Yeah, well, please don't- uh, why don't we start on the gifts? I bought you something really cool."

Roy finished off his drink, he carefully pushed his girlfriend aside and picked up a small present from underneath the Christmas tree. He turned around smoothly and danced his way back to the brown leather couch and handed it over to the very surprised Sinah. He opened it up and stared at the cinema two tickets laying in the flat box, it was to the sequel of the Back To The Future film. Tikki grew tired of their company and had returned to dance with the other guests while refilling her empty glass.

"I thought that you could go on a date with your girl, but if you want we can go instead?"

Sinah blinked a few times in confusion, a smile grew on his lips as he shyly nodded by the suggestion. Maybe it could be the start of something new? Maybe next year, he would have the courage to tell Roy what he feels. Maybe next year. No, screw that.

"I just want you to know that I'm- I'm-"

"I know, but it doesn't bother me. Now, tell me, is it too early to eat cake?" Roi smiled mischievously.

What a tease.

"No, go ahead."

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