“WhAt ArE yOu DoInG aSaHi YuUtO?” He asked.

“I was helping Katsume-Chan with a math problem” I answered standing my ground and not showing any weaknesses.

“Ok, carry on.” His hair dropped down to its regular position and he walked back to the front of the class. I was spared by Aizawa-Sensei which almost never happens. Maybe he feels the pain of being a new student. After class I was packing up my stuff when Katsumi-Chan approached me.

“Thank you for helping me with the problems Yuuto-Kun.”

“Call me Asahi and your welcome. I have to live up to my name somehow.” (Asahi means morning and Yuuto means tender. So all together it means moring tender which makes no sense.)

“Do you want to come to my house today?” She asked.


“So you really are Asahi Yuuto!”

“What makes you say that?”

“Everyone told me that your quote is ‘um..’”

“Well that’s true.”

“I also heard that you are as strong as The Big Three.”

“If it’s only 1v1.”

“What’s your quirk?”

“I don’t have one.”

“YOU DON’T!?!?!”

“Well technically yes. My quirk is called Copycat. As the name says I can copy any quirk I see.”

“For how long?”

“My whole life. What’s your quirk?”

“It’s called Pain Infiction. Well I have my mom’s and dad’s quirk. So my dad’s quirk is Pain Infliction which can inflict pain on someone by just thinking about it and my mom’s quirk is Invulnerability. You already know what that does.”

“Prove your Pain Infliction quirk.” Then I felt a pain in my leg.

“Ok never mind.”

“Strong quirk… I wish I had it” Emo Asahi wished.

“But we do now!” Smart Asahi said.

“We don’t see her think” Emo Asahi noticed. Darn you Emo Asahi!!

“So you can never be hurt and you can hurt somebody by just thinking about it.”

“Yes that’s my quirks.”

“Well Katsumi-Chan you’re lucky having such strong quirks.”

“Thank you Asahi-Kun but, you are also lucky having that strong quirk, also.”

“It’s only strong if I see strong quirks.”

“Well that’s true. So that means you must have seen a lot of strong quirks.”

“Well some of the quirks I have seen were weak at first. I just trained them to become stronger.” She didn’t respond to that remark.

“Well changing the topic, do you have any brothers or sisters?”

“No… well I have an older brother but he lives by himself.”

“How old is he?”

“He should be… 17.”

“Are you sure he lives by himself?”

“He’s a hero.”

“Oh, that makes sense.”

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