mikas arrival and the iron devil awakens for blood

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Mika pov
They say your family determines who you become. But I'm alone my family was slayered but devils, fallen Angel's, and angels allowed it to happen. I was forced to watch my family die my father first the my mom, my little sisters tired to run but a devil with wings of fire burned one and a fallen though a light spear impaling her thought the chest. They left me alive but with a broken leg and arm I watched as my whole town was destroyed and everyone killed. I managed to use what last bit of my strength to teleport to the human world of kouh. I hid in a old broken down church.

Timeskip 12 years later

Mika pov
I walk to class this place when co ed. I joined I keep to my self. The girls to get get my attention only for me to get their work done.

I sit under a tree looking at the clouds. So beautiful yet can be violent.

Perv trio: aw Great it's that weird mika kid in our spot. Hey boy move don't u know this is our spot.


Perv trio: hey you come on is you are going to do nothing then at least go home and get your parents to do it with you.

Mika stands up with a mad look on his face his fist balled up ready for a fight

Perv trio: aw little boy gonna fight

Mika punches two of the in the gut then kicks them back looks at issei with a killer intention.

Issei: hey man come on we are friends right( he says backing up). Look maybe I could give you something and you not hurt my sack alright. I've got a great collection of porno back at my house.

Mika punches issei nose. Blood drips from it as issei tells in pain.

Issei: what the hell man( he holds his nose)

Mika walks away wiping issei blood off his hands. As he sees rais come to issei aid.

Devils I hate them all especially gremory. She is nothing more than a power grabbing lobster or better yet a succubus in human form.

As the day goes on sona interrupts a class

Sona: excuse sorry to bother you but I'm looking for mika I need to speak with him.

Mika stands up and walks past sona. Sona escorts him to the student council room. As he walks in he sees issei, rais behind him kiba on her right akeno on her left and keneko by the door behind the desk is tsubaki.

Sona: now mr mika issei here calms u attack him and his friends for no reason is this true she ask nicely.

Mika:( remains silent)

Sona: look just tell the truth if you don't tell me your side of the story then I'll have no choice but to believe issei and have you disciplined. So tell me did you attack him for no reason.

Rias: Sona give it up it's obvious you are not using the right tools to get a answer from him allow me to show you." She walks around to the desk where sona is and unbuttoned her shirt so mika could see her bra" now tell me why did you attack issei for no reason.

Mika: buttons her shirt up". Begins to walk for the door.

Rais: kiba stop him

Kiba: yes rais

Kiba runs up behind mika. Mika kicks kiba as soon as he is close sending kiba sliding into keneko. Mika leaves the room.

Rias: well that was something. Keneko follow him pls. Sona any ideas those reflexes aren't human.

Keneko: sure rais.

Sona: hm I can't seem to think of anything ill have to check. On him see if he has any family or anything.

Rias: sure I'm going to prepare a evil piece for him. His strength could be useful.

Timeskip bought to you by barabtos shooting at issei

As rais took her peerage to where a small group of strays have been staying. Unknown to them the strays are already died.

Rias: alright everyone ready.

Group: yes Rais.

As they enter the wherehouse they see Body parts of the strays all over the place guts and intestines hang out of bodies that were cut in half.

Rais: oh my gags what could have done this.

Akeno is throwing up outside along with keneko and kiba and issei

Rais: I've never such gore or death. Someone did this to send a message.

Rais takes pictures with her phone and teleports with her peerage out of the wherehouse. They were completely unaware that they had been watched. The figure stand up in the moon light.

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