Little Town of Brookhaven

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  • Dedicated to Molly and Lisa.

AN: This story is dedicated to my friends Molly and Lisa. They have helped me alot with this story, Molly  for the town and allowing me the chance to have this idea in the first place, and Lisa for the character of Brandon. I got this idea from a roleplay I am apart of on Tumblr called  


Ella Hart was turning sixteen, a milestone for all teenagers. A party had been organised by her ever so delightful step-mother Juliet, and Ella couldn't be happier. A squeal ran through the house as Abby Dawson, the bestfriend of Ella, arrived at the party.

"Happy Birthday georgeous!" Abby cried, giving the birthday girl a big hug.

"Thanks Abby!" Ella laughed, she looked around the room and bit her lip. "Hey, have you seen Zach?" Abby shook her head. Ella sighed, Zach had said he had a surprise for her. And she knew it was going o be amazing, because he'd been acting weird with her all week. She took herself outside into the backyard, sliding the door shut behind her. Eyes scanning the people outside, Ella saw something she wished she didn't. Her boyfirend, Zachary Baizen, was up against her friend, they were kissing, and he wasn't trying to push her away. Ella could feel the tears tarting to prickle in her eyes, what was he doing? She took a step forward wanting to scream, push him away from her friend. Her friend, Alice wasn't her friend. A friend would not do that. As she realised they were not going to stop, she gathered up the courage to reach out and push him. He jerked forward, toppling ontop of Alice, the two of them crashing to the floor. 

"What the hell?!" Zach cried, picking himself up from the ground. His eyes widened when he saw Ella.

"Ella,,,Elle I didn't...It's not what it looks like!" Zach said quickly. Ella shook her head furiously, the tears streaming down her face. 

"No! Don't lie to me!" Ella screamed "Don't you dare lie to me!" She was so mad that her entire body was shaking. Her head was spinning, she could barely comprehend what was happening. Zach tried to take a step closer to her, but she refused by taking her own step back, clenching her fist.

"Don't step any closer to me Baizen." she spat. A look of horror crossed Zach's face, he started clutching at his throat, making a choking sound. Ella shook her head and laughed, at was obvious that he was trying to make her feel sorry for him, but it wasn't going to work. 

"Oh don't play with me. You're fine, stop it." Ella snorted, rolling her eyes. But Zach didn't listen to her, he dropped to his knees, his lips gradually starting to turn blue. He had a look of fear in his eyes. Ella refused to believe anything was wrong and just clenched her fist even tighter. Alice crawled over to him to try and help, but that only enraged Ella even more.

"Get away from him Alice." she snarled, Alice didn't listen, and just crept closer.

"Zach? Are you okay?"Alice asked, touching his face gently. Ella stepped forward, and shoved her out of the way. "Are you crazy? He's sick!" Alice screamed, picking herself up from the ground. 

"He's not sick, he's just playing for sympathy. Get up Baizen, you're not fooling anyone!" Ella screamed, The blueness on his lips started to deepen in colour and he toppled sideways, unable to hold his weight any longer.  "I SAID GET UP!" she screamed even louder. A hand grabbed hers and she was spun around so she was face to face with her Dad.

"Ella you need to calm down." Her father, Gerard Hart, said softly. 

"But, he...and they...Dad!" Ella cried, sobs wreaking through her body. 

"I know darling, but please...unclench your fist." Gerard said quietly yet urgently.  Ella looked down at her fist in confusion, she hadn't even realised that it was clenched. She released the pressure in her hand, uncurling her fingers. Zach let out a loud gasp, and Ella was shocked back into reality. 

"Zach? What...what happened?" Ella asked in confusion, wanting to take a step closer but afraid to.

"Someone call him an ambulance!" Alice cried, waving her hands around frantically.

"Did...did I do that?" Ella asked her father, fear written in her eyes.

"Sweetheart, I need to talk to you. I'll explain everything when everyone's gone, I promise." Gerard said, placing a kiss on her forehead before going to help with Zach. Ella placed her hands on her head, and took herself up to her room, slamming the door behind her.  The whirring of the ambulance ambulance went over her head, as though she didn't notice anything at all. All Ella could do was stare at her hands, clenching them over and over again, expecting a loud bang, a spark, anything. But nothing happened. Ella flinched at the feeling of a hand on her shoulder, looking up she realised it was only her father.

"Ella, sweetheart." Gerard said quietly, kneeling down in front of her. "Ella, it wasn't your fault."  Ella shook her head slightly in disagreement. It was her fault, she didn't know how to explain it but she just knew it was her fault. "You know how I never talk about your mother?" 

"Yeah, because Juliet doesn't like it." Ella huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. Gerard decided to ignore that comment, though it made him feel a little mad to hear her talk about his wife that way.

"Your mother was a demon." He said slowly and carefully, his eyes made it obvious that he was telling the truth, but it seemed impossible for her to believe.

"What are you talking about?" she asked, cocking her head to the side. "Do you mean her personality? Because that's a horrible thing to say!" Gerard laughed lightly, shaking his head in amusement. 

"Your mother was anything but a horrible person. She was the kindest, sweetest person I had ever met." He said with a sad smile, moving his hand up to Ella's cheek. "I mean she was literally was a demon. It ran through her bloodline, there was nothing she could do to change that. I thought it hadn't affected you, that you were born...human I suppose? But seeing the events that took place tonight, that is clearly not the case." Ella gaped at him, was he seriously trying to tell her that she wasn't human? That she was a freak? Eleanor Hart was not a freak, she was perfectly normal. What happened that night was just a coincidence, that was all. Just because she'd never met her mother, it didn't mean she was that gullible to believe anything he said to her. The thought of her being different was scaring her, and it was wrong of her father to encourage it.

"Get out." Ella mumbled, staring at her feet, he was taking things too far.

"Ella Bear, I'm telling the truth." Gerard replied quietly, stroking the side of her cheek. "I think you're going to have to go stay with your cousin Jenny." 

"What?!" Ella cried, swatting his hand away. "You're sending me away? How can you send me away? I know I'm not perfect, but it doesn't mean you can just shove me off on to someone else." Tears started to stream from her eyes yet again. Her cousin, Jenny Hart-Jones, was nice and sweet, but it didn't mean Ella wanted to live with her. Even though Juliet was awful, she still wanted to live with her Father. The fact that he seemed to want her to leave only hurt her even more. 

"Darling, you need to go. The people in Brookhaven can help you so much more than anyone in this town can. The school there, St. Adams is speciffically meant for people like you. They'll help you to control your powers." Gerard said, squeezing his daughter's hand. People like her. Freaks like her. 

"I DO NOT HAVE POWERS!" Ella screamed, the mirror behind her smashed, sending shards of glass all over the room. Gerard gave his daughter a small sad smile, before exciting the room. Leaving Ella alone with her tears.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2012 ⏰

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