Jisung shook his head "Nana it's ok dads can be insanely protective of their daughters."

Nana smiled at him "you don't think it's weird that I have two dads and ten uncles?"

"family is family Nana. The only thing that matters is the love."

Jisung held her hand as they walked around the park before agreeing to go back to Nana's instead of a movie.

"mama? Daddy? Twins?" Nana hollered as they walked in the front door.

Areum said "hey munchkin. It's just me. Oh, hi Jisung."

Jisung smiled at her as Nana said, "dad embarrassed me and Uncle Chan knows Jisung somehow."

Areum hummed "was he drunk?"

"no, he just went all who's he do your uncles know? Then he got mad because Uncle Chan knew Jisung was taking me out."

Jisung smiled "its ok Nana. Chanyeol knows because I asked him if you had anything to do today. He gave me a few ideas where to take you."

Areum looked at Jisung "are you staying for dinner honey?"

Nana pouted looking at her mother "mama can he stay the night?"

"call your dad. I don't mind but you know you're his baby."

Zitao opened the door "babe the twins want pizza tonight. Oh, hey bunny."

Nana hugged him "daddy you know I love you right?"

Jisung smiled watching Nana cling to her dad. Zitao kissed her head "let me go bunny just ask what you want."

"can Jisungie stay the night? Please daddy please?"

"I don't see why not. Are your parents ok with it?"

Jisung nodded "my brother Chan said it's fine."

Zitao looked at him and Nana said "he lives with his brother. Thanks daddy. Jisungie wanna watch a movie?"

Areum smiled "Nana why don't you guys make cookies or something. Jisung you like making cookies, don't you?"

Jisung nodded "you remembered?"

"of course, I did honey. Jongdae and Kyungsoo said you've gotten so much better since working with us."

Zitao wrapped his arms around Areum's waist as they watched Nana and Jisung head to the kitchen "my baby has a boyfriend. She's so grown up."

"ummm wait until the twins start dating." Areum smiled turning around in Zitao's arms.

He looked down at her with wide eyes "Areum baby?"

"yes love?"

"can we have another baby? It's ok if you don't want to. I know the twins are a handful."

Areum kissed him only pulling away when Nana said "oh god stop it. I have company. Jisungie mom's not gonna help us."

Areum giggled "what do you need Nana?"

"Jisung wants to make Soo's double chocolate fudge cookies but I don't know the recipe yet."

Areum hummed "I'll help. Zizi my love let's talk to the girls about it."

In the kitchen Jisung has flour everywhere "honey what happened?"

Jisung smiled "Nana happened."

"mama he said I can't bake."

"I mean he's not wrong munchkin. You're better at grilling meat."

Nana dramatically said, "even my own mother agrees with my boyfriend!"

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