Boyfriends sleep in the same bed

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Two weeks passed and Louis enjoyed every second of it. Harry followed him to his classes every chance he got. They studied together or just hung out alone or with the rest of the guys. On the nights Louis was working the guys usually came to watch a movie and Louis always tried to sneak them in for free.

When they were by themself they kept their distance from each other but out in public or around the boys they played their part of boyfriends in love. Dylan hadn't given up. He took every chance he got to try and talk to Louis but Harry was usually by his side.

At the beginning of the third week Zayn, Liam, and Niall came into the living room and said that they wanted to talk to them. Harry and Louis were watching a movie cuddling on the couch so they paused the film and sat up straight.

"What's up, guys?" Harry asked, sounding a bit nervous.

"We noticed something and we just want to talk to you guys about it." Zayn started.

Harry and Louis shared a quick look.
"Okay?" Louis responded with a shaky voice. Harry took his hand and squeezed it.

"Yeah, we just wanted to make sure you guys know that it's totally okay if Louis spends the night here. We don't care. We love you guys and we're so happy for you and you're so adorable with each other." Liam continued with a smile.

"Yeah, I bought earplugs for all of us so feel free to do whatever." Niall grinned and wiggled his eyebrows.

Harry choked on spit and started to cough. Louis rubbed his back.
"I appreciate it guys. Yeah, Lou can sleep over if he wants to. That's a great idea. I just didn't want you guys to feel uncomfortable..." Harry answered and scratched the back of his head. There was no getting out of this one. Of course, the guys would find it strange that he and Louis didn't spend the nights together. But he honestly didn't mind sharing a bed with Louis. He felt really comfortable around the smaller lad and he had a big bed so it wouldn't be a problem.

"Of course we're not uncomfortable! Don't be silly. We really don't mind at all. We like having Lou here and then you can swoon him with your cooking skills in the morning." Zayn winked.

Harry looked at Louis with a soft smile.
"What do you say, baby?"

"Yeah, sounds amazing. Of course, I want to sleep with you." Louis blushed. That came out wrong.
"I mean, like, sleep over."

The boys chuckled.
"Good. No pressure. We just wanted you to do what felt natural and make sure you guys know we're okay with it. 100 percent. This should be a safe environment where you can be all lovely dovey and don't hesitate to kiss each other or share a bed just because you'll think it would somehow bother us." Liam continued and Zayn and Niall nodded their heads eagerly.

Louis felt moved and guilty at the same time. It wasn't right, they were lying to the guys. Most of the time he had to remind himself that Harry wasn't his real boyfriend, that this was an act. Because it felt real. But Harry wasn't in love with him. That was the hard truth. His own feelings were something he refused to acknowledge. That was just stupid. But they should let the boys in on their little secret.

"Wanna stay the night Boobear?"

Louis was brought back to reality.
"Like now? I...I mean, I don't have anything with me." Louis hesitated.

Harry shrugged his shoulders.
"I have an extra toothbrush and you can borrow my clothes. I kind of like it when you wear them." He confessed with a shy smile.

Louis found him adorable.
"Yeah? I kind of like it when I wear your clothes too. They're cozy. As long as it's not one of those ugly Hawaiian shirts!"

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