Your Smile Makes My Head Spin

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     The feeling of being grabbed woke Colby up out of his deep sleep. He jolts up and looks around, but finds no one is awake. Letting out a shaky breath, the man relaxes back into his pillow, but jumps slightly when a soft snore comes to his ears.

      Jake — still fast asleep — is curled up into a ball in the middle of the bed. Colby can feel his body heat from where he's sitting, and it makes him calm down slightly.

'Now I know why I almost fell off the bed last night.' Colby thinks to himself, a small smile on his lips as he looks at the man next to him.

      Shaking his head, Colby leans over and picks up his phone. He's shocked to find that it's 3:34 in the morning. Not wanting to ponder on that thought, Colby takes it upon himself to look through his messages.

Kat, 12:55
About to go to bed, call me in the morning. Love you.

Mom, 10:02
Hey, sweetheart. Your dad and I have some good news, so please call us soon!

Brennen, 2:38
Brotherrrr! I just met THE hottest girl. Want me to set you up?

      Colby frowns at Brennen's text, but replies back anyways. He sends the rest a quick reply, a small smile on his face. By the time he's done with that, Colby realizes that Jake is no longer curled up in a ball, but he's curled around Colby's torso and legs. Smiling softly, Colby puts his phone down and lets himself cuddle into Jake. He knows by the time that everyone wakes up, Jake will be annoyed that they were seen like this — but Colby can't find it in himself to care at the moment.

"Colby... Colby!"

      With another jolt, Colby opens his eyes. He jumps slightly when he's met with blue eyes staring at him. Colby sighs before sitting up some more, only to see Jake still cuddled up into his side. He allows himself to smile, but it quickly disappears when he hears Sam's teasing chuckle.

"Fun night?" Sam teases playfully.

     The dark haired man rolls his eyes, "Shut up, Sammy." He says with a smirk.

"Get ready. We're going for breakfast." Sam says after he lets out another laugh.

Colby groans dramatically as he gets out of the comfortable bed. He lets out a loud laugh when Corey throws a pillow at Jake to wake him up. The younger of the four wakes up with a jolt, his hair is messy and his eyes are droopy — Colby thinks he looks adorable in his sleepy state. Not wanting to meet Jake's eyes yet, Colby quickly goes to the bathroom to take a shower.

As the hot water runs down his body, Colby allows himself to think about last night. The man can't understand how Jake was rude to him, but then proceeded to cuddle him later.

'He didn't mean for it to happen. He would have never done that if he was awake.' Colby thinks to himself as he washes his body.

After relaxing in the shower, Colby gets out and starts to get ready. He quickly pulls black jeans on over his boxers before drying his hair. Having forgot his sweatshirt on the bed, Colby walks out of the bathroom to get it.

He quietly gasps when he notices that Sam and Corey are gone, leaving Colby with a wide awake Jake. The taller of the two turns when he walks out of the bathroom, and gives Colby a glare before going back to his shoes. With a shake of his head, Colby walks over and pulls the No Name sweatshirt over his bare torso. Just when he's about to leave the room to find Sam, Jake's voice rings through the quiet room.

"Did you plan it?" His voice is raspy and quiet, but it still makes Colby's heart beat faster.

With a roll of his eyes, Colby walks over to Jake's side of the bed. He crouches down in front of Jake's still sitting form, he smiles at his confused brown eyes.

"I would never do that, Jake. I don't know what to say about... what almost happened, but I don't want it to ruin our friendship." Colby says, his voice.

Jake's lips pout ever so slightly, "I'm sorry for being so rude. Can we just... forget it happened?" He asks softly.

Colby can't help but feel disappointed, but he makes himself smile at his friend, "Of course, bro. We can just say it was the heat of the moment." Colby forces a small laugh.

"Yeah, we can." Jake replies, his laugh sounding forced as well.

Colby nods his head — still smiling — and stands quickly, "Come on, I think the guys left us. Don't want to miss breakfast, now do we?" He jokes as he grabs his phone and holds the door open for Jake.

The two make their way down the hallways, joking with each other quietly. Both of them content in each others company.

As they met up with Sam and Corey in the lobby, Colby feels better than he did when he woke up. He's not only talking to Jake, but actually joking around with him. Colby feels lighter as him and Jake say a quick hello to the others, before walking out of the hotel for breakfast.

      After they settle into the Uber, Sam turns in his seat to face his three friends, "I'm going to be honest, we're not going to the restaurant to just eat." He says, a small smirk on his lips.

      Colby rolls his eyes, "What now, Sam?" He asks playfully.

The blonde chuckles before rolling his own eyes, "Yesterday, I found a man who has experienced a haunting from The Stanley." Sam says as he looks down at his phone, "His name is John Withering, and this article says that he was staying in 109 when he woke up to a black figure standing over his bed." He explains as he reads off the article he found the day before.

Colby frowns his brow, "That's interesting, but what does that have to do with breakfast?"

Sam smirks at his friend, "Well, we're meeting up with John." Sam's blue eyes a small twinkle in them.

     Colby lets out a dramatic groan, "I hate meeting new people!" He whines loudly, the others laughing at him.

"Too bad." Sam says through a chuckle.

Ayeee!! New chapter!

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