Tunnel of Love

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     The hallways are quiet and gloomy, making Colby's stomach feel like it's in knots. The group of friends have been running around the hotel trying to find evidence of anything paranormal, but they haven't found a lot so far.

      Colby rolls his eyes when he hears Corey go on about something he saw down the hallway. Not believing his friend, Colby just turns his attention to Sam.

"I think we should explore the basement where Lucy is known to be." Sam explains as he shoves the camera into the backpack.

Colby takes it upon himself to look around to make sure no one disagrees. Seeing no disagreement, Colby smiles at his best friend to show his support. His friend smiles back before motioning that they should keep walking, everyone follows quickly.

     Jake watches as his friends walk ahead of him, all of them smiling and joking around. The young man can't find it in himself to smile, or joke around — having your heart broken will do that to you. Jake shakes his head, he can't believe the conversation he had with Tara not that long ago. The multi-colored haired man isn't one to get heartbroken so easily, but he really did fall hard for the small girl that's back in LA.

      With a sigh, Jake thinks back to his conversation with Tara. Her voice was frustrated when she first said that she wanted him home, and to forget about the trip.

"You didn't even tell me about it before the day you left!" She complained loudly. The man, at that point, put his head in his left hand. He proceeded to explain that he didn't know too much about the trip himself, and that he wasn't sure when they would leave. All of this only made the girl more mad, and lead her to her confession.

"Why am I even with you? At this rate, I don't think this will work. There's no way I could love someone like you." She said in frustration. He heard her small gasp as she tried to apologies, but Jake wasn't hearing any of it. He had quickly hung up the phone and sank down to a sitting position.

     That's how Colby found him, and the man was still confused about his conversation with his friend. The brunette looked almost relieved that Jake was sitting in the floor and crying, but that wouldn't make sense. Jake doubts one of his closest friends would be happy about his heart broken state, unless he-

     Jake's thoughts are cut off by Colby's fingers snapping in his face. His brown eyes focus, and find Colby's beautiful- what? Jake shakes his head, clearing those thoughts from his mind. Colby's blue eyes are filled with concern when Jake finally meets his eyes again. Jake mentally scolds himself for making his friend worry, he knew he shouldn't have told anyone about what happened.

"You good, Jake?"

     Jake has the urge to roll his eyes at the worry in Colby's voice, but he simply just raises his eyebrows.

"I'm fine, Colby." He mumbles softly as he walks a little faster, still a little flustered over his weird thought from earlier.

     Colby doesn't have time to think about Jake's sad expression, of his quick escape. Mainly because the group make it to the basement, and Sam goes straight into explaining the situation.

"I think we should split up into two groups. This basement is huge, and we will need to split up if we want to get all the footage we can." Sam explains as he pulls two cameras out of the backpack.

     Colby watches in amusement as Corey instantly starts to complain. Sam is quick to assure his friend that he will be with the blonde, and that they will be exploring the front of the basement. The amusement Colby had once felt is gone in a flash at his best friends words; his face heats up as he realizes what that means — he'll have to be with Jake... in the back of the basement. The man mentally groans as he tries to fight off his blush.


     Colby looks up from the ground to find that he's alone with Jake, and a flashlight is pointed towards him. He mentally curses Sam as he focuses on Jake.

"What?" He mumbles.

     Colby watches as Jake playfully rolls his eyes and hands the camera to him, "I said, are you ready?" Jake repeats himself.

"Oh. Yeah, I'm ready." Colby says as he blushes softly, hoping Jake doesn't notice it. By the way his friend frowns his brow in confusion, Colby knows he had noticed.

     The two men make their way down a creepy hallway. They talk quietly to the camera, their fear getting to them.

"Sam had the idiotic idea of splitting up." Colby rants to the camera. He sighs dramatically as they walk deeper and deeper into the basement.

Just when Colby is about to say something to Jake, a bang is heard from their right. Both men let out a yelp as they cling to each other in fear. Colby is the first one to look down at their joined hands, a small blush takes over his face. Noticing that Jake hasn't noticed yet, Colby takes the opportunity to pull Jake with him as he walks forward. If the brown eyed man next to him noticed, he never said anything.

The pair creep forward to find a hole in the floor — by the looks of it, it's a trap door. Colby's eyes widen, "This must be where Lucy got in!" He whisper yells to Jake. The man next to him widens his eyes and pulls out his phone, "We have to tell Sam." Jake says as he types out a text.

Colby nods as he steps even closer to the edge of the trap door, he wants to get a good look inside. He must have miscalculated his steps, because it one swift move he is falling into the hole.

"Colby!" Jake screams as he is pulled down with his friend.

They both land at the bottom of the tunnel with a bang. Jake lets out a groan as he lands on Colby, the other man wheezing with the pressure.

"S-Sorry!" Jake rasps out as he looks down at Colby.

Colby blushes as he looks up at Jake, their noses are touching, and is Colby really wanted to he could lean forward and kiss his friend. At that thought, Colby gasps softly. He looks at Jake's lips desperately, his own lips wanting to connect with them. Jake's lips graze Colby's softly, and the former man thought his heart would explode at the thought of finally having his chance to kiss Jake.

Just when Colby's about to lean forward, he hears a frantic footsteps coming towards them.

"Are you both okay?" Sam asks loudly, his eyes showing his worry.

Colby sighs softly at the interruption, "Yeah, we're fine." Colby rasps out, his voice thick with emotion.

Jake hurries to stand up and get off Colby, his face holding confusion and horror. Colby feels his heart break a little at the sight of the emotions on Jake's face.

"I think you should come down here, Sam." Jake yells back, the camera pointed down the hallway in front of him.

Colby fights back tears as he stares at Jake, he mentally curses himself for outing his biggest secret. As Sam made his way down — Corey not too far behind — and filmed the tunnel they were in, Colby knew he had to tell his best friend everything.

The distraught man is brought out of his thoughts by Sam's excited voice, "You found it! You found the secret tunnels!" He says as he pushes his hair out his face.

Colby smiles before standing and slapping Sam on the back, "Looks like this will be an interesting series." He says, but his voice sounded off, more broken then before.

Sam, having not noticed due to excitement, nods his head in agreement and happily starts to walk deeper into the long tunnel. Colby chances a glance at Jake before following; he frowns at Jake's emotionless facial expression.

Interesting series indeed.

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