Part 1

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Alexa sat on the bench of the small metal boat, taking in the nature that surrounded her. The distant songs of Doves and Finches filled the air. Unlike the bustling city that Alexa hailed from: here no cars were honking at each other, no street vendors selling food and knick-knacks, and no hordes of pedestrians in a neverending rush to get to their next destination. Even the lake itself was serene as it cradled the boat with a seemingly impossible stillness. Across from her sat Ace; intensely focused on tying the knot on his fishing line.

"Thanks again for inviting me here, Ace. This place is just... wow." Alex said, still awestruck at the environment.

"The pleasure's all mine!" He enthusiastically responded. "It's nice to have someone to share this place with. Quite a bit different from the city, ain't it?" He asked, grinning.

"Yeah," Alex giggled. "It's so... peaceful. There's no one nagging at you to hurry up. It's a nice change of pace." She said, returning Ace's warm smile.

As Ace finished tieing off the line, he handed the fishing pole to his guest. Alex took the pole, blushing a little as their hands touched for the slightest of moments.

His hands are so soft. How could they be so soft when he works with his hands all the time? I wonder what else he could do with those hands~ Alex thought to herself, not sure if she was imagining things. Suddenly, she was pulled out of her daydreaming.

"Hellllooooo? Earth to Alex, you there?" Ace said in a drawn-out voice.

"Y-yeah! I'm here..." Alex said as she snapped back to reality.

"Ever used a pole before?" Ace questioned. "I can show you if you need 

"No, I h-haven't," Alex said a little nervous.

"Here, lemme show you the ropes-" Ace said, In a comforting voice. He then stood up from his seat, giving care as to not rock the small boat too much, and sat down next to Alex. He stretched his arms around Alex, gingerly guiding her hands, talking her through the correct way to hold the rod.

Jesus, his hands really are soft. And his warmth, oh his warmth! Alex thought, now visibly blushing. Alex could feel her friend's breath trickling down the side of her neck, making her tremble. She could feel her heart turning to goo as his soothing voice radiated only inches away from her ear. This is so wrong. He's just a friend! Why am I letting him get to me like this? Alex, lost in a sea of her thoughts, was once again brought back to reality as Ace began to mover her arms, demonstrating a casting motion.

"Whenever you're ready, just push the button and cast." Ace said, reassuringly. Alex brought the pole over her shoulder and then swung it forward, sending the lure flying. The red and white bob splashed in the cool water with a plop and then sat there, rhythmically bobbing up and down with the gentle disturbances of the water. "Wow! You really sent that thing flying!" Ace said, impressed. 

"Thanks!" Alex said, turning around and returning his warm smile. The two locked eyes as they faced each other and Alex became infatuated with his irises, studying the minute splotches of brown in the intensely breathtaking green color. I can't take this anymore.

Alex suddenly leaned into Ace and kissed him aggressively, causing his eyes to widen and his cheeks to turn cherry red. He then gave into Alex's advances, pushing into her and returning the kiss. As their kiss deepened, Alex laid her hand on Ace's chest, feeling his heartbeat quicken through her fingertips. She relished the control she had over his body as she scooted closer to Ace and turned to the side; closing what little gap remained and causing Alex to feel a bulge poking at her backside. Intending to reap the reward for her lustful efforts, Alex slowly began to slide her hand down Ace's chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2020 ⏰

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