Chapter one: training

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Minato has just finished sealing the kyuubi into his eldest son naruto. He  gave his children to a nurse and sat down in the hospital room kushina in the bed. Jiraya walked through the door and seen them and said "sorry I'm late the toad elders called me to a meeting" minato just laughed it off "so what'd they talk to you about" Jiraiya grinned "a prophecy about two children of great strengths that will save the world I think it's about kyoko and naiki naruto May have the beasts soul but they have the chakra and kushina's chains we should take them away and train them in the kyuubi's chakra" minato thought about it "what about naruto" Jiraiya sighed "the world is more important then one kids needs" minato sighed "I'm not happy about it but the world is more important but once we come back maybe we can see if naruto will want to be a family if we train him let me run it by kushina" as Jiraiya walked out minato turned to kushina and walked over and shook her as her eyes fluttered open "minato how are my babies" minato looked at her "fine" minato looked down at his hands "kushina I have bad news also" kushina muffled out "what is it" minato replied  "we have to leave naruto here and take the girls to train in the kyuubi chakra there has been a prophecy about two children and it states the girls me, you, and Jiraiya are gonna train them while we leave naruto to the care of Sarutobi" kushina was thinking they needs of the world out way the needs of one' "fine minato but if we return and naruto doesn't forgive us I'm gonna kill you" minato chuckled "I'm sure he will let's grab the kids and tell sarutobi."
With sarutobi
The Sandaime was sitting in the Hokage office since the fourth called him here as he noticed that minato,kushina, and Jiraiya holding the two girls was kushina and the boy naruto was being held by minato "hiruzen were taking kyoko and naiki on a training trip there the child of prophecy" hiruzen nodded and said "what about naruto" minato showed him naruto's black eyes "he's not as special sarutobi we can't take him he'll just get in the way" the professor was shocked "minato do you have any sense he is your child" minato sighed "sorry Sandaime you get the hat tell I get back" as he teleported them all out of there handing naruto to sarutobi he sat there holding naruto who slept soundly "Hokage-Sama tsunade and orochimaru are heading here now" said a cat masked ANBU hiruzen nodded. He watched as tsunade busted through the door to see hiruzen sitting behind the desk wearing the Hokage robes she sat there shocked "d-did minato die" she said fearing the worse the now reinstated Hokage quickly calmed her "no he's not dead but he's done something foolish" orochimaru (good guy) looked at the Hokage "what did he do" as hiruzen stood up holding a silver haired bundle "minato decided to take his two daughters kushina and Jiraiya to train the kids in the kyuubi's chakra he left blind naruto here alone with the soul because he feels like those two are the child's of prophecy" tsunade was raging "fine if they want to train them and abandon naruto I'll adopt naruto swing as they don't care enough besides me and orochimaru will train him in our arts" orochimaru nodded "even though we shouldn't have to do this we will" hiruzen thought about it "the council will ask questions take him out of the village and train him then when you come back I'll let tsunade have the medical corps she's always wanted and orochimaru you want to work in the science lab" orochimaru nodded "well you to get going also tell naruto about his parents, siblings and Jiraiya they deserve it" tsunade nodded as she took the kid and walked out. Tsunade and orochimaru were walking out she looked at naruto "huh he kinda looks like my great uncle Tobirama" orochimaru took a look as he got to see the second Hokage a few times "huh he gots the marks to" as little 10 year old shizune came up with baby Tonton "who's that tsunade-sensei" tsunade smiled at her "this is my adoptive son naruto senju."
In the court room
The Sandaime called the meeting when he arrived they all started to yell out about the kyuubi attack when he silenced them "minato left the village to train his daughters in the kyuubi chakra while his son he left here who was givin full custody to tsunade he holds the soul of the beast" as the civilian memebers started to shout out how they should 'kill the demon' they were silenced again when danzo said "they should have been givin to me hiruzen not taken away" hiruzen gave a dark glare "I'm the Hokage now I'm taking charge until minato comes back now I make decisions you are the advisory council the people here that matter are the Shinobi council meeting dismissed"
Time skip
We see a kid currently practicing Kenjutsu he looks about thirteen years old he wears armor just like the nidaimes and wears bandages around his eyes. his messy silver hair came down and around his head (imagine Levi's haircut only shorter thicker and a bit messier) he is standing 5'6 he has a sword with shiny light blue handle which he is currently wielding against Kusanagi. Attached to the side of said boy was a light blue sheath with a gold dragon on it this boy was Naruto Senju, son of tsunade senju. "Good job naruto" orochimaru said to said senju "thanks uncle orochimaru" shizune and tsunade were amazed by how strong naruto is "so mom how would you rank me" tsunade though about it "low to mid Jonin if you had more experience I would say high Jonin but sadly you do not at least were done with ninjitsu training" everyone but naruto shuddered
A seven year old naruto was sitting next orochimaru "uncle what are we gonna learn today" orochimaru smiled at the uncle part and took out some paper "this is chakra paper tsunade has lightning and water while I have lightning and wind now out chakra into this and let's see you elemental affinity" naruto did as he was told but what happened surprised him the paper was so wet it almost looked like water then it started to turn brown almost into dirt and finally crumpling up tsunade was standing next to orochimaru flabbergasted shizune was in shock and orochimaru put his hand to his chin "seen you have three elemental affinity's water and earth being super strong and lightning being your secondary now naruto this next piece of paper put water and earth chakra in it" naruto grabbed the piece of paper and put earth and water chakra in to it causing a small tree from the paper to connect to the ground "is that good uncle" all the adults looked like fish out of water as shizune fell over and tsunade broke orochimaru was the first one to come to "well naruto seems you have Mokuton" naruto smiles "does this mean we can have sushi" tmrhe other two people recovered their senses as orochimaru chuckled "yes we can go get sushi"
Flashback end
Everyone was laughing looking back on that memory then tsunade spoke up "or his summons"
Flashback start
Five year old naruto wondered off from the cabin while tsunade,orochimaru, and shizune were talking. Naruto wondered off into the forest until he fell in a trap door. Naruto stood up and looked around "wow" at the temple he noticed the statues "aren't those sabertooth tigers that uncle orochimaru told me about them he seen a scroll on the ground he opened it "I know this is a summoning scroll luckily that book mom showed me taught me the hand seals to summon as he signed his name and blood and did the hand seals "SUMMONING JUTSU" there was a poof of smoke. When the smoke cleared standing there was a ten foot tall saber tooth tiger "who dare awakens Shiori son of Omar" he looks around "down here Shiori" he looks down "a child summoned me well everyone gets the test tell me child what would you fight for" naruto thinks about it "I would fight to protect peace" Shiroi thought about it is can sense the potential in this kid he will go far and his answer was the best one yet' Shiroi replied "you passed" naruto smiles but it faded as soon as he realized something "Shiroi can you please help me out." Tsunade and orochimaru were running around like headless chickens "NARUTO COME OUT PLEASE" as they heard the roar and looked over to see a smiling naruto riding a ten foot saber tooth tiger "thanks Shiroi" the saber tooth tiger just says "anytime" and poofs away tsunade sighs and rubs her temples "only naruto I swear only naruto"
Flashback end
"Okay naruto let's head back to Konoha your ready" naruto smiles at his mother figure "why don't we race summons only though" as naruto,tsunade, and orochimaru did there summons three giant smoke clouds appeared when the dust settled you can see three summons Manda the snake clan head, katsuyu the slug clan head, and saichi heir of the sabertooth clan he stood at about 18ft tall and was naruto's personal summon. As everyone took their places on there summons shizune hopped on katsuyu with tsunade. Naruto smirked "ready 3......2...........1 GO" as they took off.
Izumo and Kotetsu were bored to say the least no body has came in or out of the village "huh why do we keep taking this job" Kotetsu asked "because it has good pay and we don't so much is why" they heard rustling they looked over at the forest to see a massive 18ft sabertooth tiger coming at them when all of a sudden it stopped and a figure got off the back. Naruto just got off of saichi (brother of Shiroi older) "thank saichi for the help" as naruto pulled some raw meat out of a scroll "here you go" as he threw the meat to the big cat "thanks naruto see you later" as said cat disappeared in a cloud of dust. Naruto smirked seeing the arrival off the snake and slug "damn naruto you knew you were gonna win" said boy slyly replied "I don't know what you mean mom" orochimaru replied "well let's go see Sarutobi-sensei" as all the summons disappeared. The four ninja and pig we see approaching the Hokage tower opened the doors "we need to see the Hokage" the receptionist who was dai Nara sighed "upstairs" as they walked up the many stairs and threw the door. The Sandaime Hokage was sitting there banging his head on the desk "stupid *BANG* paper *BANG* work" as he heard the door open to see four people walk in "oh orochimaru tsunade I was expecting you" he looks at the 23 year old women "ah shizune you've grown up" he looks down at the 5'6 thirteen year old boy "hey sensei" he looks down at the paper work "WAIT SENSEI" the white haired teen just laughs "no it's me naruto" as the Sandaime went over the silver spiky haired boy "you have the same looking armor and marks if I dint know better I'd say Tobirama" tsunade smiled "so we have some news about that" the professor just looked at the slug Sanin "what" tsunade looked at naruto "there was a mutation in his blood you can see but he basically a pure senju something about the kyuubi apparently they are really good friends" sarutobi raised his eye at this "how good per say" orochimaru answered this time "good enough for him to summon the fox" sarutobi paused for a minute "but he doesn't have the chakra" naruto smirked "actually all the kyuubi chakra came back because once the fourths kids use it the chakra doesn't replenish without a soul also watch out some body ticked off the kyuubi to come attack Konoha look out for him" (there is no Akatsuki in this main villain is someone else who will be revealed in short time and his partner Danzo) sarutobi smirked "they deserve know I had my personal and most loyal Anbu clean up the senju compound it's ready to be inhabited also Anko missed you orochimaru" said person smiled about his surrogate daughter "well naruto also starts academy tomorrow" tsunade thanked the old Hokage and caught up told him about naruto's training and his summons "well be going sensei don't die on us" the Sandaime only chuckled. Naruto opened the door to the senju compound naruto smiles "things are looking good mom." (Sorry if the chapter was bad I just wanted to get things out of the way also I left naruto's training to be mysterious to add a tiny bit of suspense also the main villain will be a OC good bye for now)
P.S 911 was an inside job and vaccines cause super ass cancer

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