The Show Must Go On {7}

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                “Oh man, you’re really trying to win this kid over,” Scott said as I found him and Bennett the next day.

                “And you’re on time for once,” I said in surprise.

                “I had to pick him up this morning because his car is in the shop. I literally dragged him out of bed,” Bennett said in annoyance.

                “Still, your clothes. You’re definitely going after Neo,” Scott said.

                “Yes I am,” I said, smirking, full aware of how good I looked. I had chosen jeans that complimented my ass, and a shirt that was tight enough to show off my chest and muscles.

                “Well, the trash certainly isn’t trying to impress you,” Bennett said, nodding his head.

                I looked over to where Neo was standing with his friends. He was in jeans that were held up only by his belt, a loose T-shirt, and a beanie haphazardly hanging off of his head.

                “He’s cute in a messy way,” I said with a shrug.

                “Alexander, before you go through with this, will you just listen to me?” Bennett said, crossing his arms.

                “No. I know what you’re going to say, and I don’t care to hear it. Save your breath,” I said.

                “I’m going to class,” he said, turning and calmly walking away.

                I turned to Scott, and he held up his hands innocently. “I didn’t say anything. Don’t involve Scott. Scott does not want to be involved.”

                “Yea, yea. Let’s go,” I said.

                Scott followed after me and we went to class. When the bell rang for lunch, I mentally groaned. Our teacher held up a hand to stop us from leaving.

                “I need everyone to turn their essays in, and then you can go to class,” she said.

                We all got up and hurried to turn our essays in to her. God, I hated people who kept me late for things. My time was valuable and I wasn’t going to waste it with those who didn’t know how to manage time. Well, aside from Scott.

                I went down the hallway to my locker, putting in my combination as the late bell rang. I tossed my things into my locker, shutting it.

                I turned to leave for the cafeteria, but paused, hearing a noise. I turned back around and went farther down the hallway, turning the corner.

                Neo and some guy I knew from class named Dan were standing there. Neo was glaring, his body tense. Dan looked angry and annoyed.

                “Take it back,” Neo was saying.

                “I’m not taking it back,” Dan said, shoving Neo against the wall. “I think Donnie is a fucking faggot. A little cock sucking whore.”

                He moved to push Neo again, but Neo clamped his teeth onto Dan’s hand. Dan yelped and punched Neo with his free hand, hitting the side of Neo’s head so hard that his beanie fell off.

                Neo winced, biting Dan harder and punching him in the ribs. Dan gripped his hair and yanked his head back, freeing the hand Neo had been biting.

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