"Condoms?" I ask, and he blink a few times before even realizing I asked him a question.

"Oh, uh... I have them right here," he mumbles and opens the drawer to his bedside table.

His hand shakes as he takes out a condom. He gives it to me and whines when our fingers touch. I can smell his slick and he rubs his legs together a bit.

"Damn, JK, stop being so fucking hot. It's not fair."

"I haven't done anything yet though?"

"Just seeing you standing there is more than enough. You're always gorgeous, but right now it's just too much."

He licks his lips and he reaches down to press his fingers against his leaking hole. He moans softly and I can see that the fabric of his pajama pants is wet. I want to fuck him already, but there's something I must confess to him first. It wouldn't be right if I didn't. I nervously feel the condom through the wrapper and Seokjin watches my every move.

"I have to tell you something," I say.

"Mhm? What is it?"

"I've never... I-I've never done this before."

Seokjin stops fidgeting for a moment and just looks at me in silence. His gaze makes me feel a little guilty and a sudden urge to justify myself appears out of nowhere.

"I mean, I'm only 19 and I've never been in any real relationship, you know? Until I met you I wasn't even sure of my sexuality and then I've never gotten the chance to do it. Also I'm a very shy person when I meet someone new and sex is something very personal and I wanted the first time to be with someone special, preferably you, and I've never been in any sexual situations so the option was never really there and it's not like anyone has ever asked me and even if they did I probably would've said no because-"

"JK," Seokjin says and I stop my rambling to listen to him. "It's OK. You don't need to have a reason not to have had sex. It's totally fine."

"I-it is?"

"Of course. In fact... I'm still a virgin too."

A beautiful blush colors his cheeks after his confession and my heart actually skips a beat. Seokjin is a virgin? I thought that was impossible. Everyone wants him. But never mind that! What's important here is that he's willing to give his first time to me! ME! Out of all people! Is this a gift from God? Did I do something good in my past life to deserve this honor?

"B-but I have a reason!" he says.

"You just said a reason wasn't needed."

"I know. I don't care that I'm a virgin, but I think you should know the reason as to why I am."

"Alright. Do tell."

He opens his mouth to explain, and the blush on his face intensifies tenfold.

"So... like... you know how I can't let people find out that I'm an omega?"


"The thing is that even though I took the drug I wasn't 100% convinced that it was working. I was terrified that I would get intimate with someone and suddenly start producing slick or that my eyes would turn blue or something. That would blow my whole cover right away, so in the end I just gave up on the whole idea out of fear. But... since you already know the truth about me I guess it's fine to do this with you. I've told you so many things I shouldn't, so you might as well get to know everything at this point. Also... I trust that you'll treat me nicely."

If I wasn't convinced before, I sure as hell am now. Seokjin is a virgin. No one has had him before me. I'll be his first and last. I'll make him mine.

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