Goku eased back a bit, if there's one thing he would not dare challenge is his wife when she's angry. "I'm just saying that there's no point in worrying about this, Gohan's a smart kid, I'm sure he'll put all this behind him eventually."

Chi Chi sighed, "I hope so."

Goku sighed happily as he continued eating his food, "Kinda wish he stayed, he would be great in that big Tournament with the other Universes, both Gohans would."

"I wonder what our Gohan is doing right now?" Goten wondered.

Elsewhere in the same timeline, Gohan is floating over a mountain area, wiping some sweat off. He had finished some training, though still felt like something was missing.

"Man, to think it took a younger version of me to try training again, yet I still feel like something's missing," Gohan clenched his fist. "The idea that such a younger version of myself could have surpassed me is weird to think about. Have I really slacked off that much? Surely I should still have plenty of strength left, especially after having my power awakened on the Supreme Kai's planet, but now I'm wondering if I can even use the same power I did when I fought Cell as easily?"

He shook it off, "Anyway I should get back, Videl's probably worried, and after what happened with the younger me, I don't wanna upset her any more than I did." With that he flew back home, still hoping to figure some things out.

Back in the past, Kid Gohan stood with Seventeen and Eighteen, ready to battle against the large amount of Babidi's men.

"Last chance to surrender," Pui-Pui said.

"Right, because you'll spare us if we do," Gohan replied with some sarcasm.

"Good point, it ends for you anyway, now attack!" Pui-Pui shouted.

As the aliens rushed to attack, Gohan and the Androids quickly flew around, taking each alien down with little effort. Gohan zipped around, taking each alien out with a quick punch or kick. Seventeen also zipped around, attacking each alien with a little more power, acting like a show-off in the process. Eighteen moved around a bit, but mostly stayed in one place, attacking the aliens as they came to her.

Pui-Pui looked amazed at seeing three of these Earthlings handle so many trained men very quickly.

After only a few seconds, each alien was down, the three fighters barely having used any energy in the process.

"All that talk and they go down so easily," Eighteen said, dusting herself off a bit.

"Yeah totally," Seventeen said, then grinned at Pui-Pui. "Got another challenge for me? Or is that it?"

"That's impossible! There's no way you can be that strong!" Pui-Pui shouted.

"Let me guess, you tried gaging my power level just now, and their power levels," Gohan said. "It won't work, I can hide mine and theirs are undetectable, now let's make this quick and easy, where's your boss!"

Pui-Pui fired a blast at Gohan, but he quickly deflected it, much to Pui-Pui's surprise. "How!?"

Before anything could continue, a voice was heard in the air. "Who dares to enter my ship!?"

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