chapter 5

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Chapter 5
Carter's POV

A Week Before VidCon...
I was staying with Tyler and we were at a fancy store looking at possible wedding dresses. The first one I tried on was simple yet elegant with a tight corset style that was tied together with that softest white ribbon. It was really pretty, but it just didn't feel right. "No, girl, no," Tyler said.
"Read my mind," I replied. We went back to the dressing room yet another dress for me to try on. He unbuttoned and unzipped the dress, I stepped into the dressing room, got out of the dress, stuck it outside, and stepped into the next dress.


After hour of trying on wedding dresses, I was worn out. We went back to his house and watched Rent. I love this musical. Idina Menzel as Maurine just makes my little heart sing. While it was playing Seasons of Love, Tyler said, "I know this is gonna sound random but, for some reason I thought about..."
"About what?" I asked.
"About the thing," he said, "the thing you tried to do." I knew exactly what he was talking about. I remember it so clearly.


I was just starting college. I tried rushing, but none of the houses fit. I stayed in the dorms, I always thought that I would so many great people, but spent most of my time alone. My friend from high school was o the other side of the country. My roommate was gone and I found the scissors. I pressed one of the blades against my thigh until blood came out. I was sobbing, and crying, and screaming.Someone had opened the door saying, "Look I'm getting, complaint abou-" He stopped talking and saw the blood on the flor. "Oh , honey.." he said concerned. I looked up and faced him. He had light hair, warm eyes, and warm eyes. I didn't say anything, I just dropped the scissors on the floor. He wrapped his arms around me and gave me hug. I never want to be alone. Never again.

"No," I said, "It's in the past. I'm a different person now." The truth is that, I didn't want Pete to worry about me more than he already does, I could never do that again.

The Next Day
I was lazily flipping through the channels when i saw a picture of Pete and I. It was one of those celebrity news show things, and the girl on screen said, "Pete Wentz has been spotted with this semi-mystery girl. Rumor has it that it's the co-creator of the popular YouTube channel WeirdAndWeirder, Carter Marin." I shows a clip of a Q and A Hank and I did a few months ago.

"Jojo asks- how many times have you read the Fault in Our Stars?" I read.
"Twice," Hank said.
"Never," I said.
"What am I gonna tell John," Hank said, face-palming.
End of Clip
"Carter Marin also went on tour with Fall Out Boy and Panic! At The Disco last year," she said as she played a clip of me on the piano with Patrick next to me playing A Thousand Years. I haven't listened to that song since Pete proposed. Listening to it made me feel like I was cheating, so I never listened to it.
The Day Before Vidcon....
Tyler and I unpacked our bags and I was scheduled for a panel with John and Hank, a live vlog filming, a live Wheezy Waiter video, a performance with the Chameleon Circuit, and two meet and greets throughout the weekend. I texted the schedule to Pete, who should be arriving in Anaheim sometime today. It didn't actually start until tomorrow. "Are you excited for your first VidCon?" Tyler asked.
"Very," I said, "Pete and I are going public about the wedding during the live vlog."
"so he told Patrick?"
"Yeah, he did."
"Any thoughts on this?" Tyler asked as if I was hiding something from him.. "None," I said, "Couldn't be happier." My phone buzzed and I check to see who it was.

To Carter
From: Pete <3
just got in, can you and Tyler pick me up?

To: Carter
From: Pete
yeah, on our way :)
We met Pete in front of the airport and I wrapped my arms around him into a hug. "Hey!" I said.
"Hey," he replied. I let him go and said, "Are you ready for massive amounts of crazy?" I said jokingly.
"Well when you put it like that," he said sarcastically, "Yes." I looked at him smiling and said, "Good, because you are about to meet some of the most insane people I know." Pete laughed. "I'm serious, I mean, the guys I am touring with sing songs about Doctor Who."
"Oh God," Pete said. We got into Tyler's car. "Hey Pete," Tyler said, "Are you ready for this? These people have a lot of personality."
"So I've been told," Pete said.
We were at a bar that YouTube booked for a catch up type thing. I've actually never met most of the people I know through YouTue in real life, like I haven't even met most of the people I'm touring with, like we've emailed and stuff. I'm kind of nervous about this. The door to the bar opened and Dan and Phil entered. We had talked about doing a collab together while they were here. "Carter," Phil said, trying to make sure I'm not a crazy person. "Yep," I said, popping the "p".
"Well you certainly not what I expected," Dan said flirtily, eyeing my skinny jeans and Doctor who t-shirt that I made into a tank. "Neither are you," I said goofily. I wave towards Pete, who was talking to Shane and Lisa. "Pete, this is Dan and that is Phil," gesturing towards the two of them. "Dan and Phil this is my fiancee, Pete."
"Actually, we've met before," Phil said.
"yeah, we interviewed Fall Out Boy for BBC," Dan said.We continued talking until Charlie, one of the guys I'm touring with, "Excuse me," I said, leaving the conversation to talk to him.

Okay so I have two words...NOT DEAD I am starting to go back to a regular writing schedule now. Love you :) Please note that I wrote this when Shane and Lisa were together and I was in eighth grade. Starting now I'm revising as I type this up

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