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Titans Tower

After coming back from killing criminals, Anti-Damian walked past the living room and went for his room. He noticed Nightwing without his mask standing in front of his room, he got a text from him saying he needs to talk to him.

Anti-Damian: What do you want to talk about now?!

Dick Grayson: Well, its not just me.

Anti-Damian: What are the Justice League doing here? What is this?

Dick: This has everything to do with how you've been acting recently and you going on a murderous killing spree and out of control rampage.

Anti-Damian tries to walk into Damian's room, But Nightwing pushes him and he locks it.

Dick: You're gonna have to come in and sit down.

Anti-Damian: Stay out of my way, Grayson.

Dick: Everyone's here for you, don't make this hard for them or yourself.

Anti-Damian: Okay, I still need to drop my crap off.

Dick: Then drop it off in the living room.

Anti-Damian: What are you trying to do?

Dick: You need to come take a seat

Anti-Damian: What are you doing?

Dick: Go in and take a seat and listen to what we have to say.

Anti-Damian: I don't have time for this, Grayson.

Dick pushes Anti-Damian into the living room and Anti-Damian tries remove himself from Dick's grasp.

Dick: Take a seat, Damian

Cyborg: Damian, please sit down

Anti-Damian: I don't have anything to say to anyone.

Donna Troy: You may not, but we do

Superman: Damian, just give us a chance?

Kid Flash: We just wanna to talk to you?

Anti-Damian noticed his stuff on the table. A poisonous dagger, a pistol gun, police scanner, medical pills, one of his red batarangs but it had more blood on it and it was on a towel a broken shrunken, his old league of assassins outfit, a brown bag that was full and..........Jason Todd's Red Hood helmet.

Anti-Damian: Did......Did you went and get all this stuff? You went in my room again?

Dick: Yeah, I did

Damian: What'd I tell? What did I fricking tell you?

Dick: You told me not to and I said I was going to. Take a seat and listen to us.

Anti-Damian: You are an unavoidable irritating prick, you know that?

Wonder Woman: Young Damian, please have a seat.

Anti-Damian: This is a freaking waste of time.

Green Lantern: Why don't you want to talk to us?

Anti-Damian: I don't got time for this

Dick Grayson closes the door before Anti-Damian walks out.

Dick: You're gonna take a seat and listen to us.

Anti-Damian: I don't even know why half of the Justice League are here.

Cyborg: Now listen, you're adoptive brother brought this to our attention. Starfire and I called half of the Justice League and the other Titans and wanted to sit down and talk to you.

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