Chapter 7

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"Come on Patrick" I screamed from the bench of the XLVI Super Bowl. They were up against the Patriots again and so far they had the lead but from the looks of it the Patriots were gaining up on them. I clasped my hands together while he threw it to Tyreek Hill and they ran it all the way to the end zone. Right in time for halftime. 

The halftime show wasn't my favorite. Adam Levine and Maroon 5, I love their music but the fact they had Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran just made it worse than it already would have been. When halftime was almost over my football team started walking to the stage where they were preforming. Patrick grabbed my arm and made me come with them. 

We all climbed on the stage and looked towards the Jumbotron on the North wall. On the screen flashed pictures of my brother and the Chiefs football team. From the time we were little to the day right before he died. I once again felt tears but I didn't cry out of sadness, I cried tears of joy. There were a few with Patrick and us. The last picture was in fact a video and when they played it I finally broken down. My brother and Patrick were on the screen right after they had gone to Utah leaving me behind because I was sick. 

"Hey Galaxy" Jacki said from the screen, Patrick in the background munching on chips. 

"Hey are you videotaping that for Galaxy" he said with a handful of chips "tell your sister I said hi and that I miss her so much and I can't wait to see her again"

"Alright thanks, I will" he said laughing looking back at the camera my brother held up the necklace that I had given him for Christmas. I reached up and grabbed the part on my neck that I had "thank you from the bottom of my heart for this gift Galaxy, I miss you so much and I can't wait to come home and see you. We all miss you here and wish you had made it to the game but I can't wait to be home. I love you so so so so much Galaxy, rest up and I'll see you soon"

Patrick jumped in front of the camera before he cut it off and kissed it and then the video ended. I had tears streaming down my face when someone wrapped their arms around my waist from behind me. I was still looking at the Jumbotron when a message flashed across the screen.

'Jacki Handler died Friday June 8th in a game against the Patriots. He will be forever in our hearts and he will be dearly missed. Fly High #19' 

The crowd cheered, the Chiefs side, the Patriots side and everyone in-between. I cried as I climbed down the stage walked through everybody on the team until I finally found Patrick. He had been crying but he had a brave face on for me. I ran to him and hugged him with so much force he fell down. He had his arms on either side of me while the rest of the football team piled on top of us. He was preventing them from squishing me. 

Finally after everyone had piled on they started to get off. Finally Patrick got up and I was the only on left on the ground. He held out his hand and I took it getting up we walked back to the bench and I sat down while the Coach told them what to do after halftime. I silently watched from the bench as they played. 

The last quarter I decided I needed to used the bathroom. I got up, told Coach where I was going and made my way to the bathroom, unaware of the two Patriots fans who were following me. Unaware of their plans. Unaware that not just me but the whole stadium was in danger. 

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