Chapter 11

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My computer is fixed!!!!! Updates will continue to be on weekends, but here's the chapter I owe you! And this is where the action starts to pick up...

The force of the explosion sent the four of us into the wall behind us. I slowly lifted my head and groaned in pain.

"Madison! Are you okay?," Brian shouted from somewhere to my left.

"Yeah, I'm fine!," I shouted back. "Macy? Alex?"

"I've been better.," Alex said from somewhere to my right.

"Ditto.," Macy replied from somewhere near Alex. I breathed a small sigh of relief, but that relief didn't last very long.

The smoke began to clear revealing two humanoid figures. The first was none other than Talli Zimmerman. Her dark eyes gleamed with malice as I stared at her, my mouth agape. The second figure was one I didn't recognize.

He looked to be about 14, but his stance suggested he was more mature. His brown hair was messy and untamed. His blood red eyes glittered with hate and chaos. He held a three foot Imperial gold sword and a small dagger was sheathed at his side. He inspected me like I was an experiment he would love to dissect. Finally, I found my voice.

"W-who are you?!," I commanded. The boy gave me a vicious grin before answering.

"I am Will Alkyr, son of Tartarus.," he declared, proudly.

Suddenly, the shadows seemed to lurch towards him and, when they dispersed, he wore a full set of armor made of shadows. Talli then pulled on her necklace, summoning her staff. I nodded to Macy and Brian. The fight has been brought to us.

I gently tugged my owl pendant and the spear charm on my bracelet. Within seconds, I was wearing my own armor and holding a six foot spear. Brian tapped his earrings and pulled his trident necklace, summoning his armor and sword. I stepped forward, assuming my role as leader of this quest.

"Alex! Step back and stay out of the way. Macy, you guard him with your bow and arrows against any more unwanted guests. Brian, can you take on Will?," I asked. He grinned and nodded. I gripped my spear. "Good. Then, I've got the traitor."

With that, the two of us charged.

Brian and Will's swords met with a loud clang, but I didn't have time to make sure my boyfriend was alright. Talli was putting up a great fight, her staff against my spear. She was good, but I was better.

I swung and jabbed my weapon like it was a part of me until I managed to knock Talli unconscious with a swing at her head. I quickly turned to examine the rest of the battle. I was dismayed to see my old house in ruins, and Macy and Alex unconscious and guarded by two shadow warriors, likely the work of the son of Tartarus. The worst sight was Brian.

He was battling fiercely, but Will had the upper hand and quickly knocked him out.

"NOOO!," I screamed. Will turned his malevolent gaze to me.

"Don't worry. The master wants to have a little, let's say, chat with you. I won't kill him. Yet.," he said, grinning like a madman. Something slammed the back of my head.

I grunted in pain and fell to the floor, unable to stop myself. Black spots began to cloud my vision and I fought to stay awake, but it was pointless. I watched Will slowly approach as my eyelids began to droop.

"No.....," I whispered, before sinking into the murky darkness.

MWAHAHAHA! Don't worry. They'll make it out alive. Maybe. Next chapter will be up tomorrow! VOTE VOTE VOTE!

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