Chapter 1: Bad Awakening

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Michael felt relieved to see Bad, one of his most iconic Eras, appear in the isolation booth before him. Bad looked the same as he did on his album cover, in his trademark black leather ensemble with silver buckles.

Bad looked around the room until his eyes met with Michael's. He sensed that something was wrong for Michael to summon him to the studio. He left the booth and went into the control room to greet him.

"Mike, what's going on? Are you alright?" Bad embraced the elder Era tightly.

"It's happening again, the pain, only this time it's worse."

"No, you don't mean..."

"Yes, that kind of pain. And I don't think I can bounce back like I did before."

Bad stepped back and stared in disbelief. "Damn, do you think you know what's causing it?"

"What do you see that's different around here? And I mean really think about this." Michael leaned back in his chair.

"It's very quiet here, there's no one else here besides you."


Michael got up slowly as Bad lent his arm for support. Michael took hold of his arm as they left the recording studio. The two Eras walked down the hallway and descended the large staircase towards the lobby. Bad noticed their footsteps echoing throughout the house—it was really just him and Michael.

He remembered when he couldn't walk through the entire mansion without seeing at least one or two Eras hanging around. The mansion used to be so lively and active; there was never a dull moment, as there was always something going on. There were some chill days, but this emptiness produced a different type of chill, one that compared to the dead of winter.

"It's not like you weren't alone here before, why does it make a difference for you now?"

"The time. It's been six years, Bad. Six years since everyone left the house, and during those years, I've been getting weaker and weaker. I can barely move, let alone dance. My vision's been going in and out at times, my entire body aches, and I can't keep any weight on me, no matter how much I eat. The part that really hurts me the most is that I can't even create anymore. I spend hours singing, dancing if I have the strength, and still, nothing."

"Fuck, this really is worse than last time."

"I can't stay like this any longer, Bad. My essence is leaving me by the second."

"So what do you want me to do?"

"I need you to reunite your brothers and bring them home."

"How is that going to help you?"

"My condition affects you as well. We are all connected. If I die, you and your brothers die along with me, and we will cease to exist. Our legacy, our hard work, all gone with us. I refuse to let that happen, do you?"

Bad was taken aback. The sheer thought of Michael dying, let alone himself, was enough to light a fire in him, as reality slapped him in the face. "So when I bring them home, how will that help you?"

"As I said, we're all connected. Each one of you makes up for me since there's no one else here with me other than you. I am not as strong as I used to be. I'll let you figure out the rest, but the bottom line is if I die, then you all die."

The two walked outside near the garage, where Michael's black Jaguar was parked outside.

"Right, so who do you want me to find first?"

Fiddling in his pocket, he pulls out a set of keys and a cell phone and hands them to Bad. "I have three prospects that'll help you find the others, so you'll be finding them first."

"And they are?"

"Your brothers, of course: Smooth Criminal, Thriller, and Dangerous. Since you four were the last to leave and managed to stick by me through the whole separation, I decided to make you my ambassadors, for your loyalty."

"Ambassador, I surely appreciate the honor. Where can I find the other three?"

"Smooth should be easy to find, he's somewhere in the city. But don't worry, I'll be in constant contact with you along the way. So if you need help, give me a call, and I expect you to keep in touch and update me as well." Michael explained.

"I'll keep in touch. Are you sure you don't want to go with me?"

"No, I'll just slow you down. I need to try to rest. I don't want to overexert myself and kill us before you even get started. I'll stay here."

Before getting into the car, Bad hugged Michael again. "Don't you die on me, old man."

"Old man? You just wait until I get my strength back, and I'll show you who's old." Michael chuckled.

"I'm sure of it." Bad got into the car and started it up. Michael watched as Bad pulled out of the driveway and drove towards the gates.

As the gates opened, Bad rolled down the window and waved at the elder Era, who returned the gesture. Michael stood there until the car was out of sight and the main gates closed.

He closed his eyes and took a breath. He had faith in the younger Era and hoped that he and the other three ambassadors could reunite and return home. He would need a lot of hope, especially since his life depended on it.

The Eras Of Michael Jackson: BrotherhoodWhere stories live. Discover now