" Ok one more time" she grunted a bit as she took off her hiking boots and rolled up her jeans again before getting off the rock making her way back into the water, Bruce sat up as she did waiting to see if they would stay or go.

Iris moved some loose hair out her face but not before rolling up her sleeves as she buried her arms into the deep for the net feeling needles of the cold water nip at her arms. When she dragged it back up to the surface she found her net revealed that it did have catch but it wasn't the outcome she was hoping for" Damn...only two measly fish" she said in frustration as pulled the net out the river with her.

Bruce stood up excited to his owner comes back with the net" Well we caught something boy... though our catch wasn't as good today" she petted him with her wet hands which made him close his eyes and wince as he shook his head from the uncomfortable feeling of the cold water making shake his head.

Iris laughed a bit at this" Sorry buddy" she replied while putting her boots back on" time to go home ok" she said as she got her pack next to the rock she had been sitting on slung it over her shoulder and the net of fish in her hand" Com'on Bruce let's go home," she said as she gestured for him to follow her, the dog barked in response and went over to her quickly as he wagged his tail as they left the river bank.

The young woman decided it was enough time for outside for that day after the disappointment of the catch and to mention both of them were tired of cold in general…treading across the forest damp soil plain the scarred woman couldn't help but worry about the predicament of winter to come...it seemed like the fish were already moving up stream due the water getting colder due upcoming winter, it would be simple if she could change her fishing spot to follow where the fish were going but it wasn't...the fact of the matter is why she chose that spot was because it was isolated from the apes. She worked very hard to live unnoticeably and quietly in the woods for the last couple years and didn't want to risk of getting caught now...she had nowhere else to go...her own kind didn't want her..and she had no doubt apes wouldn't be too thrilled with her being here either...most importantly she didn't want to run into him. 

It wasn't like she didn't want to see him...she missed him...she missed him so much it hurts...it hurt not to be with probably the only family she had left..but she knew better...she couldn't reveal herself...she couldn't ruin what created..what he had now...she couldn't him involved with everything messed up about her.

Bruce who looked up at Iris wondering what was wrong soon snapped his head in another direction as his ears began to twitch as he just stood there frozen looking off into the forest through the trees, the brunette noticed his reaction and her brow rose puzzled" Hey what's wrong boy" she said as she petted his head.

But she soon realized what was wrong as she felt the ground shake softly beneath her feet, the trees rattled, morning dew falling off leaves and plants falling down below, her eyes widened and she became cautious" Stampede…" she said quietly.


Rain and Cloud had split up with Koba some time ago though they knew he wasn't far from them, he was their leader for the day so he had to still monitor them. The two young males just searched solemnly around the vicinity looking for the items that Caesar had tasked them gather for that day which where reeds, canopy leaves, and berries.

" Koba thinks we stupid, that he better, he mean" Cloud signed to the thin ape next to him as he moved some plants and branches around trying to find what they came out to scavage for.

Rain could help but chuff in an agreement at this" Yes he scares me sometimes" the other sign to his friend before looking over the forest floor searching too.

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